5 years. ~

214 5 7

5 years,
I still love you more
youre still in my prayers
youre still the heartcore
How much do I adore?
How much do I pour
in Love, for you.

I say youre the best,
I say you passed the test,
I say youre worth everything,
and worth far more than the rest.

But you know?
Youre still a cry baby,
Youre still a lil soul,
You still make some worst decisions
and hurt me to the core.

Sometimes I feel,
Youre still as childish,
Youre still as clever,
You still try to push me
And get away forever.

God chose me to take care of you,
And gave path to happiness out of the blue
God didnt put the happieness in our families
But put each other's happiness, in me and you
And made us stay true.
you just need to choose, to do.

And probably,
Youre more like a daughter,
than a girlfriend to me,
But wait?!
a daughter sits on lap,
but you always try to dump me!

You think why I always accept everything,
and ignore all the flaws,
Why I dont mention anything bad,
and behold everything that goes off.
Cause you always defied the odds.

5 years,
1826 days; 43,800 hours
I still love you more.

Poetry for her. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now