Chapter One: Lilith Neve Evans

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I sighed, laying there
in my hospital bed as
I looked at
the blinds of my room window when my nurse
came into the
good morning, Lily, how are you feeling today he asked, opening the blinds to my
same as always, I said I see well I'll have someone get your breakfast ready
then we can get your
usual medical
started he
and when do
think I'll
be able to go
I asked Lily we went over this already. You're too sick to go outside, not to
innocent and way
too trusting people lie Lily
he said, but what if Hailey's there to help
me then could I go I asked were not talking about this anymore Lily I'll be back with your food he said, walking out of
the room
never want to
talk about it, I
putting my
on as I

(A few minutes later)
My nurse
came back in with a tray of food and sat it in front of me call me when you're done eating he said before
leaving again
thank you, I said as the
door slammed shut he's angry at me for
again, I thought as I ate my food, then an hour later, the other nurses came inside to do the usual everyday
tests okay Lily, if you don't mind undressing, we'll get the testing underway one nurse said yes, Mrs. Rosette, I said, taking my sweatshirt and shorts off bra as well, Mrs. Evans another
sorry, I forgot I
said sliding that
off as well as they
began to
poke and probe me with needles and all kinds of
stuff leaving bruises on
my body just
last time, then they left my room right after
all those shots left my body really sore this time
Cody, I said once Cody
my nurse came inside to
help me put my
back on that just means it's working, he said, leaving once again when my phone started ringing
it was

(Vincent's P.o.v)
After Mike
unlocked the
Hailey walked right
past him and into the pizzeria while
at her phone Hailey was hot, but she wasn't really my type you okay Hailey
Mike asked as we
in behind her hm
yeah, I'm fine she said, focusing on her phone
you don't seem
fine Scott
said, and she sighed as she showed us a picture of some kid. This is Lily Evans
weird name for a boy Mike said she's a girl Hailey said I've known her since I was little but
she's really
sick, so she's
isolated at the hospital ever since she was born, and she's gonna be
turning 16 at midnight tonight, and I wanted to celebrate her
birthday with
her wait,
I have an idea
I need to call
Cody, she said whose Cody Scott asked the nurse that's in charge of taking
care of her
he helps give her
baths and some
times changes her clothes for
her, since she has paraplegia sometimes called paresis Hailey said incomplete paralysis in the legs Scott said yeah
along with
fibrosis it's an inherited life-threatening disorder
that she
inherited from her
mom, it damages the lungs and digestive system she also has End-stage heart
failure, a disease in which the heart muscle is failing severely in its attempt to pump blood through the body it means other treatments are
no longer working End-stage heart failure is the final stage of heart failure
despite its name,
a diagnosis
of heart failure
mean the heart is about to stop beating it just means that her heart
muscle is failing to pump blood normally because
it is damaged or
very weak,
or both
Hailey said, "Wow
that sounds awful Hailey" Jeremy said, yeah some days are worse than others for her
anyway I'm gonna go
call Cody real
quick she said walking away
while we got every
thing ready.

(Hailey's P.o.v)
I walked into
the break room
and called Cody to
try and convince
him to let
come here just for a few hours and after
for a few minutes, he finally picked up what's
up Hailey,
asked, nothing much just got to work, but I've got a favor to ask, and it's a pretty
big one I said what is
it he sighed can
you please let Lily come to Freddy's for her birthday
I said, Didn't five
children go missing there what if something happens to her while she's there it's gonna be on you
if some
thing happens to
her he said you
worry too
much Cody
I said you know what fine we'll be there he said we so you're coming too
huh I said
yeah got a problem
with it, he asked not at
all moody I said shut up
he said before hanging up then I started to
call Lily
just as the guys
walked into the room hey Hailey you

finish your phone

call Scott asked yeah

I finished talking to Cody

but now I'm calling Lily he's allowing her to


for a few hours,

I said when

Lily finally picked up
the phone.

(Back To Lily)
I picked up my
phone and quickly
answered the call hi Hay
Hay, I said hey
Lily, I
just wanted to
call and wish you a happy birthday she
thank you
I completely
about that
isn't that kind
of sad, I can't even
remember, my own birthday I've been here
so long that's probably the reason so many people at the hospital got me
can you remind me how
old I am now I asked your gonna be turning 16 Lily she said so I've been
hospitalized for 16 years now, man, time flies I said it sure does well I got to get back
to work talk to
later, Hailey said, hanging up 16 years, I thought when Cody walked into the
room with
bunch of
presents in hand and sat them down in front of me. These are for you
from me
Cody said with a red face oh uh thank you, Cody," I said when I noticed
red his face
was, are you okay, Cody
your face is red,
do you
a fever I asked as I sat up
and brought my hand to
his forehead.
you just open them up already, he said right,
sorry, I said,
focusing back on the presents in front of
me and began
unwrapping them clothes
I said cocking my head to
the side what you don't like them he asked no
it's not that
it's just
why did you
get me clothes
I asked and he sighed as he sat down on my bed because were
going out for a few hours he said really I said looking at Cody with a happy
but surprised expression on my face yep he said thank you, Cody I said hugging
him but what
you change
your mind
Hailey did she wanted to celebrate your birthday
with you he
but I thought
she was working today
I said
she is but she
still wanted me
bring you over
for a few hours
we should probably
get you ready
so we can
go he
said but won't Autumn be mad at you for taking me
out without permission I
said that's why
gonna be sneaking out
and be back before she
does the nightly
room check he said okay
I said
picking out a
pair of clothes
and slide
hospital gown off with Cody's help I got one of my
new outfits
on then he helped me
into a wheelchair and we headed out of
hospital room
but not before
a bag with
my medication
Cody where are
you going
with Lilith
an assistant nurse asked looking at us from a room um I'm taking her
to the cafeteria to get something to drink he
said but you could've just brought it to her the nurse said I know
but she also
to go to the hospital library so I was gonna
take her by there
real quick he said oh
well have fun, Lily she
said as we continued
down the
hallway and made it to
the exit and got out with
out any
other detection wow it's really pretty out here I
said as a cool
breeze hit my
face and Cody
me out to
car how are you feeling so far he asked helping me into his car
and we

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