The Table Trap

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"Hey, Brooklyn! Wait!"

Brooklyn froze as she heard the voice of Roxy. 

But oddly enough, she didn't call her a stupid name or something.

"Yeah?" She asked quietly.

"Look," Roxy sighed. "I'm sorry for being so mean to you after all this. Can I... Can I make it up to you?"

Brooklyn smiled, knowing that she was going to get her back. Plus, she needed to know how to get into her house.

"Heh, sure." Brooklyn replied, shoving her hands in her pockets.

"Yaaaay! See ya, Brooklyn!" Roxy smiled with pearly white teeth and waved.

"Yeah, see ya soon," Brooklyn chuckled, her expression darkening. "Real soon."


Lunch time came after long enough, and Brooklyn felt happiness, something that she hasn't felt in a while. She was doing something that would finally cause chaos.

"Oooh, Brooklyn!" Roxy's voice echoed over to her as soon as she entered the cafeteria. "Over here~!"

Roxy pointed to the table she was sitting at with some of her friends. 

"Sure, Roxy," Brooklyn said smugly. She carried her lunchbox over with her.

Roxy stuck out her foot as Brooklyn walked over to sit next to her. 

Brooklyn fell, along with her self-esteem.

Her lunch was sprawled out on the floor and squished, her glasses were bent, and her nose was bleeding.

Just to add onto that pain, Roxy spilled her drink, a bottled coffee, onto the girl.

Laughter echoed throughout the cafeteria, especially that of Cartman's.

Cartman went over to watch the scene himself along with a few other kids, continuously laughing. 

"Did she shit herself?! I mean, her clothes are brown and they smell like it!" He joked, earning a few extra chuckles from the crowd.

Some kids even started to take pictures, especially Roxy.

Stan and Kyle looked over, then both shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm not getting involved with that," Stan turned away, and Kyle nodded, although felt slight pity. What did she do to deserve something like that?

Roxy stood over her head. "Ew, you perv, quit looking up my skirt!" She snorted.

"Look at me," Roxy sneered. "You're an ugly piece of shit. Nobody loves you, not even yourself. I would never be friends with a stupid bitch like you.

"And your plan sucked. My house has like three different locks on it so you'll never get in."

"Brooklyn! Get off the floor!" PC Principal yelled at the girl. "And I would make you clean it, but that would reuse old sexist standards, so I won't!"

Brooklyn stared at the crowd in front of her, which stared back while continuing to laugh. "Oooh, she's in trouble!"

She was too hurt to get up. Her chest ached from both the fall and the insults.

Then came the waterworks.

Her pained dark brown eyes teared up, and the tears fell to the floor along with the blood from her nosebleed.

Her sobs couldn't be heard over the chatter of the other kids, no matter how loud she cried. 

Roxy kicked her body aside and left the cafeteria along with the other kids since the next period was starting.

Soon enough, she was left all alone in the cafeteria, still crying her eyes out.

Brooklyn wanted Roxy to pay, to pay for all the pain she just caused. But her mind didn't exactly match where her heart was set.

What's the point if she already made me miserable? What'll I gain from that?

And most importantly, how did she know my plan?

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