Tuesday 1/31/23 - Wednesday 2/1/23

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7:51 am Heading to school right now but as I walk out the  it's snowing . Shit.🙄

8:15 am  School just started and I'm off to a good start (Sort of) But yesterday my schedule for school was fucked up 

8:32am Imagine trying to make a wattpad in history, the first class of the day.


I'm in school in my 5th period class, The subject is science this class is hella loud. I have a substitute teacher because My teacher has covid...and since this class is so loud! Another science teacher is helping my sub. 

1:59pm Final class of the day

2:35pm On my way home  

5:00pm Trying to make a paragraph for something is  wrong with coco but I failed 

7:30pm  Idek what to say

8:00 pm I'm sleeping

10:00 pm NOT...I'm staying up until midnight

Wednesday 2/1/23

12:00 am Goodnight

6:50 am I'm up time for fucking school

7:30 am Trying to rewrite the paragraph

7:50 am heading to school

8:40 am Trying to write a story in 1st period 

10:17 am  3rd class  of the day trying to figure out a new part 

11.12am  Idek

12.57pm In science my 5th period it's a new unit and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna flunk it

1.00pm bored

2.35 Going home


5.00pm doing homework and a new paragraph for S I w w c (Something is  wrong with coco)

6.00 failed like half of the chapter fuck


DISCLAIMER: I'll try to post  chapter 3  on saturday or sunday Idk maybe later.


10:23am Nevermind I need more time to post chapter 3

Sorry I'm so busy with school and  my personal life :( 

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