Coffee Break

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"i can take who's next!"
i say,
hastily re-tying
my brown apron.

you acted surprised
to see me,
but i know better.

you were acting.

not in that you
didn't want to see me,
but knew that you would
see me here.

imagining you,
ducking under windows
trying to spot me
made me laugh.

you looked confused.
i brushed it off
and took your order.

1 medium caramel macchiato
with hazelnut.

you waited until
after my break
to leave.

quite a feat
considering i had
just started my shift
when you came in.

waiting 3 hours,
quite a patient man.

nov. 3


A/N: updates might be a bit slower now that I've gone through all of my archived chapters. apologies in advance. also only 2 chapters today and tomorrow since i have a big ine coming up!

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