
"Nuclear Fallen King"

Height: 10'1 ft.

Weight: 1,473 lbs.

Age: 400+

Status: Unknown


One of [ENTITY:???]'s known 'relatives'. He has a high fighting spirit, but is known to take part in trickery, keeping [LOCATION:???] seemingly active to lure in unsuspecting prey.

-I'm not a 100% sure he'll be in the book, so why not spill his lore here!?

-The only reason [ENTITY:???] hasn't gotten rid of him yet is because he's proved himself useful against the towers

-Just called 'Nuclear' or 'Nuke', if he had his full name then he'd probably be dead by now(I wonder why?)

-Necromancer, kind of

-By that I mean he raised the researchers and gaurds he slayed from the dead with the power of nuclear energy to build his army

-[ENTITY:???] and him train together

-Whilst training, [ENTITY:???] knocked him into a vat of toxic waste, whether it was on purpose or not is unknown.

-He's fine, he only died a little

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