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I was never particularly skilled at staying quiet. As I crept toward the sound, I felt a sharp pain in my bare foot. I closed my eyes and shouted in pain as my boyfriend, Marcus, ran through the bathroom door and down the hallway to where I was. He held me in his arms as I panicked, still holding my eyes shut. I tried lifting my foot up but to no avail, it was stuck. ¨Jared what's wrong¨ Marcus asked in a scared frantic voice. It was dark in the hall and no one could see much, the only light they had was from the bathroom light but that was down the hall. Jered explains harshly that his foot pierced a sharp object and can't move his foot. They both try lifting together as Jered let out a sharp agonizing scream. Once free from the sharp object Marcus takes his shirt off and wraps it around his wound.

I wince at the pain in my foot and slowly try to walk down the hall. Marcus helps me get down the hall, as I hop toward the bathroom. We clean up the wound to the best of our ability and I try to hold back the tears pent up in my eyes. "You look mighty fine right now Marcus," I say, trying to lighten the mood. "Now's not the time to be making comments like that, we need to get you to the hospital!" Marcus picks me up off the toilet and rushes me to the car.

I open the door to the passenger side and Marcus slides me in slowly. He quickly shuts my door and rushes to the driver's side. He shoves the key into the ignition and it stalls. "Oh come on you piece of shit, work!" He gets out and bangs on the hood. He gets back in and turns the key once more and races to the ER. Marcus bursts through the sliding doors, not waiting for them to open. He carries me lopsided in his arms and races up to the desk. "We have an emergency here. His foot is bleeding, I'm worried he's losing too much blood." The receptionist replies, distracted. "Everyone here has an emergency, bud. We'll get you in as soon as we can." Marcus sets me down. "Now what exactly happened?" he asked me nervously. I take a moment to replay the events in my mind. "There was a weird sound from the gas detector and I went to go check it out. Then I stepped on the raw board on the floor and a pipe cut me." Marcus suddenly sits down. I wave my hand in front of his face. The gas was getting to him. I saw my world crumble before my eyes. "Nurse!" I called frantically in a panic. I was so worried I'd lose my boyfriend.

"Nurse, please!" His voice rises higher than my other pleas and it seems to be enough to finally get her attention. Her eyes seem to soften when she catches a glimpse of me but I can barely tell. The tips of my limbs seem to grow heavy against the cold plastic of the waiting room chair. The coolness feels nice against my flushed skin. Very nice. So comfortable. I settle deeper into the seat and this seems to worry Marcus. I can feel his eyes on my figure deepen in worry and curiosity. The Nurse comes back to the guys and tells them there is a room waiting for them and to head this way. Jared's Hazy eyes made Marcus worry more as he carried him off to the room. Once laid down into a bed Marcus is rushed out of the room and forced to wait in the lobby. Hours passed by with a worried Marcus waiting all night in the lobby. Sometime around 4 am a different nurse came back and asked me to wait in one of the rooms for the doctor. Upon arrival in the room, the doctor walks in and delivers the bad news. 

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