Chapter 1- Vanessa coming home

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Cole and Daphne were sitting on the windowsill in their room, their hands were either on their cheeks or on the cold window. The twins' mother, Melenie, was amazed to find her two youngest still awake. "Aren't you two asleep yet?" She asked in that way only moms can, "We're waiting for Nessa," Cole explained, "she promised to be back before midnight." Daphne filled in. Melanie sighed at the sight of her beloved children. They could be so determined about their older sister, especially when she was promised something to them, and Vanessa was not the type who broke her promises. Cole and Deaphne would turn 10 tomorrow and with that old enough to go on their own Pokémon journey, Melanie was almost in tears just thinking about all three of her little babies getting so big. Meleine was so engrossed in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed that the two upcoming birthday children had fallen asleep on the windowsill. The older woman chuckled a little to herself before picking up Daphne and putting her in her bed and then doing the same thing to Cole.

Melanie had just closed the door to the twins' room when the clock struck 11:59 p.m. and the front door had opened. Melanie almost runs down the stairs to meet her daughter. The first thing that happened to Vanessa was that enveloped by two warm arms and a familiar smell, and Vanessa was not slow to hug her mom back. "I said I'd be back before midnight," Vanessa said, Melanie stroked her daughter's brown hair. "You've grown," The mother noted, before Vanessa left for Sinnoh she had been shorter than Melanie, now she was a few centimeters taller. "Maybe a little." Vanessa agreed. "you've had a long day, you should sleep and get some rest before your siblings wake up." Melanie urged, "You are probably right," Vanessa agreed with a yawn, before patting Headier on the head and kissing her mom good night.


Sunlight shone through the window and down on the slepping girl, it was a very quiet moment and very idyllic. Vanessa turned over in the bed and let out a contented sight, she could stay in her bad forever. That was intil two children came rushing in like two Bouffalants, Daphne and Cole jumped up and down and were close to jump on the older girl several times. Once the children had jumped out of bed, they were bombed with hugs and congratulations. "Look at you two, big enough to start your own Pokémon journeys." Cole and Daphne didn't have time to answer before their mother's voice rang through the house, "Kids, come and have birthday breakfast!" The two little ones wasted no time in running out of the room and leaving the girl in pajamas to change, when Vanessa had salted all her clothes, was only her favorite thing left; the pink ribbon that she always wore in her hair.

When she walked into the kitchen the first thing she saw was the twins, already at the table, stuffing their mouths full of pancake. "Good morning, Mom," Vanessa greeted her mother, "good morning hon. Do you want pancakes?" Asked Melanie, "Of course I want!" As soon as Vanessa sat down she turned to her younger siblings, "Which Pokémon will you two choose?" The twins exchanged glances before smiling at Vanessa, "You will see that later."

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