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I don't think I've ever been happier at work. After our chat, Ari came out to boast about his gratitude towards me and explained that I was now the bar manager. It didn't shock anyone, but all of my coworkers were more than happy for me. Luke even gave me a big smooch on the cheek, despite my cruel reveal last weekend.

I guess we're both on a fever high from our good news.

Alex came around and congratulated me with a whiskey shot, after she chased Ari down and smacked him for fake firing her for the fourth time. I don't know how she's so gullible each time. Ari doesn't have the heart to fire someone, and now that I'm a manager I'm assuming he'll have me be the bad guy around here.

I didn't mind, though. I liked my newfound power, it made me feel important.

Jess even promised to take me out to celebrate tonight after work, and I couldn't be more excited to put all of this pent up energy to good use.

"Babes, will you toss me the hairspray?" Jess asks from her seat on the floor, hunched over my wall mirror as she messes with her make up. I fulfill her request and continue with my own look, wanting to spice it up for the night.

I had a good feeling about tonight.  Work has been a blast since my 'promotion' and even better, the fan favorite After Midnight will be playing the Alibi tonight. Luke's ecstatic that Ari has given him so much freedom and opportunity. It warms the heart to see how happy he is.

On the same note, the bar will be butt to balls busy if it's anything like last time, so it'll be double the stress and hysteria. Although, Ari's shutting the club down at eleven, claiming that it would be hypocritical of him to keep us from celebrating, or something. We asked to leave early and he went philosophical and said 'the road goes on forever, and the party never ends', whatever that meant. We all just stood there and silently nodded, while he failed to catch onto the utter confusion staining the room.

"I'm excited to actually party with you guys, since I missed the last rager." Alex twiddles her fingers with deviance, and the plum gloss on her lips tells me she'll looking for trouble all night.

"I'm excited for the show." Jess tosses her dark hair over her shoulder, admiring the large curls and glittery spray I've styled for her. "And Michael. I feel like I haven't seen him all week."

"How's that going?" Alex asks as she moves to her closet, digging through her endless wardrobe.

"I'm obsessed with him." Jess says nonchalantly, holding her eyes wide as she applies an extra coat of mascara. I snort at her delivery.

"The feeling is definitely mutual, babes." She grins ear to ear at my response. It's true. That man never shuts up about her.

"It better. I didn't put out on the first date for shits and giggles." She chuckles at me in the mirror. I shake my head at her reflection and join in on the collective laughter.

"At least someone's getting lucky." Alex grumbles while she tugs on an old work shirt with rips and bleach stains. That was one of the first shirts we made together, she wanted it super distressed on purpose.

"Heard that." I mutter under my breath, envious that Jess is living her best life. I'm thrilled for her, don't get me wrong. She deserves a guy as great at Michael and nothing less, and they really are great together. But damn, is it so bad to wonder when it'll happen for me?

"Girl, you have two men pining after you. Go get some." Jess teases me, making my eyes roll. If only it were that easy.

"Who knows, Cara. Maybe both of us will get lucky tonight." Alex the optimist squeezes my shoulders with assurance and a shit eating grin. "We'll be wing women."

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