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"That can't be legal." Jess' eyebrows furrow, clearly doubtful at Michael's master plan he came up with last night.

"It's not illegal to have a bonfire at the beach." Michael rolls his head back to look behind at her as he lays back against her chest. "Last I checked, anyway."

"Part of the fun is not knowing if it's legal or not." I tease my friend with an eyebrow wiggle while she giggles behind her man.

"True." She agrees with a grin.

"It's too late to back out, anyway. We have everything together already so if you don't show, you'll owe me. Plus interest." Michael hollowly threatens, rubbing his fingers together to insinuate us owing him money. My eyes roll at his lame attempt at convincing, but he didn't really need to. I was excited as is, mainly to get out of my room and go do something.

"You don't have to beg, Mike. We're obviously in." Jess snickers to him, playfully poking his cheeks. His lips pull into a shit eating grin.

"Good. We're leaving before the sunset, so make sure to bring your tiniest bikinis and comfy clothes." He instructs with a cheeky smirk, earning a hard smack to his chest from Jess.

I'm so glad Michael bursted in this morning with his idea. I've been dying to get a break from work and classes, life has been getting too repetitive. I needed a day off for nothing but fun, and the more he talked it up the more I couldn't wait to take advantage of the beautiful weather. A beach, a bonfire, and booze was the perfect party combination after all.

"Holy fuck, I'm glad I didn't wear jeans today." Alex groans from the backseat of Jess' car, dramatically fanning herself for a waft of fresh air.

"No kidding. I didn't think it got this hot in October." I agree with her and roll the passenger window down for a breeze. It was abnormally nice today, but it was perfect beach weather. The sun thrived in the cloudless sky and I could tell it would be a late sunset. My arms were already sticky before we even made it to the car.

I chose a weather appropriate outfit, just a simple white bikini with jeweled accents and a matching sheer waist wrap, thanks to Jess.

Living this close to the beach, I shockingly didn't have much beachwear. I think I owned a handful of swimsuits, but Jess on the other hand had a whole drawer dedicated to her fashionable swimwear. She wasn't shocked I had to ask to borrow a swimsuit, I think she was thrilled to have the chance to style me. I'm just lucky she picked something cute and not too extravagant.

She was wearing a bright pink two piece with chained straps and sheer coverup, pulled together with a straw sun hat and matching accessories. Jess took any and all moments to make a fashion statement, but she effortlessly pulled it off. Alex, however, didn't appreciate the style advice on her plain black bikini with open jean shorts.

"Can you tell Michael we're here? He said to text him so he can help with our stuff." Jess asks politely as she reaches the small parking lot to pull in. The lot was packed today, given the weather. We were lucky Alex was able to spot an open space toward the back or we'd have to walk a mile from the far lot to get to the beach.

I shoot Michael a text to let him know we're here and undo my seat belt while we wait, enjoying the artificial cold air as it blasts our sweaty bodies.

"Do you think he'll be here?" I turn my head to Jess as it rests on the back of the seat. She sighs as she looks at me, a sympathetic smile on her glossy lips.

"Michael told him not to come, but I'm not sure. He doesn't really like being told what to do." Jess says with a shrug.

"He's probably too wasted to know we're even here." I admit with a slight frown, but it's true. I was hoping Ashton wouldn't be here today so I wouldn't have to deal with anymore unnecessary drama, but it's sad to think of him alone in that house sipping killer cocktails.

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