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❦Blaise's POV

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Blaise's POV

"Zabini! Wake the hell up!" Malfoy yelled in my face.
"Oh fuck off," I said and covered my face with a pillow.
"I tried, better not complain to me later," Malfoy said in resignation.
"That's it, we're going to have to use another method," Nott said and chuckled.
He harshly pulled the blanket off me.
"Go to fucking hell," I said. My eyes were more closed than open as I tried to shield them from the sunlight.
"We already are, now get ready before we are more late than we already are." Sighed Malfoy as he put on a white button up.
"Man have any of you seen the new girl, the French Ministers daughter." Said Nott as he put on his tie.
"Oh yeah the one that was with Potter's girlfriend at the feast?" Asked Malfoy.
"Father told me to befriend her or something, he says the Dark Lord might find her useful in the future,"
"Mum told me the same thing, is it possible that he truly is back?" I wondered as I put on my shoes.
"Wouldn't doubt it, y'know what happened with the Hufflepuff dude," said Nott.

"Yeah I guess, it just doesn't make sense? But then again its him," I said as I put on my robe.

We all hurried to our first class of the day, to my bad luck I had potions with Snape first. Merlin he could be insufferable. I just hope I don't get stuck with any Gryffindors as my partner for Potions, they are a pain in the arse. I didn't bother knocking since the door was half open and just came in.

"Detention after courses," said the voice of my least favorite professor. I rolled my eyes, "please take a seat next to Miss Montgomery" he said not even bothering to look my way.

"Yes Sir," I said.

Miss Montgomery? Were have I heard that?
I scanned the room, and then I saw I her. Merlin.

We made eye contact for a second before she looked away first.

She was good looking, forget good-looking. She was breath taking.

Merlin I think this is my new favorite class. Oh Snape the match maker.

I sat down next to her and quickly took out my "Book Of Potions Advanced I", I tried to look at the page she was on but I failed.

"What page are we on?" I whispered.

"Page 21," she said as she looked up front.

"Today we will be mixing a potion that often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level: The Draught of Peace, a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation." said Professor Snape. "Be warned: If you are too heavy-handed with the ingredients you will put the drinker into a heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep, so you will need to pay close attention to what you are doing." He organized a couple of ingredients before saying, "Today you will be working with your partner to make this potion, then I want you both to work on a detailed paper describing your observations. The ingredients are on page 22 and instructions are the last 3 pages before the chapter ends. For the rest of this week, we will be learning about this potion, keep in mind this will come up in your OWL's. Since this potions needs to rest for a minimum of 3 hours, you will proceed with this tomorrow as well. You may begin" he dismissed.

She scanned the list before making her way to the ingredient cabinet, I started preparing my cauldron which we'd both use. She made her way back to our desk with several ingredients in hand. "I'll pass you the ingredients as you add or stir, I have a bit of experience making this potion," she said as she opened a new bottle of moonstone powder, "Here add this until the potion is starting to change color, when it looks a bit green, it's more effective. If you it too late then it will difficult to make and we would have to add less ingredients, therefore less effective. If that makes any sense"

She started talking about the effects moonstone can have on the potion, usually I'd be annoyed but she just explained everything, I couldn't help be intrigued. She had a very unique accent, French and a mix of something else? I did hear she had a mixed background so that might be it.

"Sorry I started ranting, this is just really interesting." she said as she gave me a smile.

"Yeah it's all good," I said as I proceed to add the moonstone.

"I'm Juliet by the way." She said with a soft smile.

"Zabini, Blaise." I said and returned a nod.

For the rest of the lesson we did small talk here and there, but no real conversation. It turns out me and her will spend a lot of our days together in classes. I noticed that just like me, she made notes of the smallest details. Her journal pages were full of random doodles, a very artistic childish drawing of Snape dressed as a clown, and notes. From the moment she grabbed her ingredients to the moment we left class she wrote notes of everything she saw with her potion. It was frustrating at times when she would want to do everything herself but I didn't mind. I hope she stays my partner for the rest of the school year.

"Before I dismiss, the paper is due tomorrow, you will have until eight in the afternoon to drop it off. If no one has anymore questions, class is dismissed." Snape said before going to sit at his desk.

"Well if you want we can meet up after school today and tomorrow, today we can start it and tomorrow we finish off with the last observation. Does that sound good?" I asked as we both put our ingredients and things away.

"Sounds great, see you later Blaise." She smiled as she walked out of class.

Authors Note:
- Hello! After months I'm back! I took like over a year but finally. I went out of my Harry Potter phase then a month ago a edit of Blaise came up on my FYP and I got back into Harry Potter. I started writing a fan fic today about him and it was really bad and I came looking at this account for inspiration on my old works and I found this. Some edits and a couple of words later, we have a new chapter! Hopefully it doesn't take me a full year to release another chapter😭


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