Different Taste Part 2

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Hayley POV:
As soon as my high of getting fucked all night by Caroline disappeared, I got up from the bed in which she and I were fucking to travel to New Orleans. I had woken up and I didn't feel, hear, or smell Caroline. Therefore, I figured she went home.

To my great surprise, as I stepped outside to go to my car, I discovered she was waiting for me.

What are you doing here, I asked? Did you really think you would disappear from my life so easily? I told you, you are mine and I want the whole package. Therefore, wherever you go, I'll go with you.

What about your family, friends, boyfriend? I can always come back to see them. However, I want to see where the future takes me. For so long, I have lived by what others wanted or expected me to do. You showed me the importance of searching for my happiness and putting myself first. Therefore, that's what I am trying to do. Would you be okay with me being your plus one on your adventure to search for your family? You do realize I am mated with Klaus, right? Yes, I do. However, just as much as I know your mated with him, I also know you are interested in me. If you weren't we wouldn't have fucked. Because even if you were in heat, you wouldn't have fucked someone you weren't relatively interested in. My heart skipped a beat as she said this because it is true. I would have rather hurt myself than screw a random stranger. And just as much as men interest me, so do women. And Caroline is fucking gorgeous and an amazing human being.

You do realize that once Klaus gets a notice that you are with me, he may come for you? Klaus is extremely possessive so he would get jealous of anyone else who enters his territory. And as wolves, he will see me as his territory seeing that we are mated. Hayley, relax. Let's take it day by day and start as friends and see if a potential relationship can occur from there. Okay, I whispered and I ran to her and bear hugged her. Alright, little wolf, where are we off too? New Orleans!

Caroline POV:
Days passed as we drove to New Orleans. I ended up discovering a lot about Hayley. She truly has had an awful life. She was part of the system who treated her like shit. She was physically and verbally abused by her guardians. She was raped by the person she trusted to protect her, he adopted dad. One day after her adopted father left her room after raping her, she escaped through the window to meet with her friends. She became addicted to drugs and that day, she decided to buy a lot of drugs to escape her trauma which led her to accidentally killing her best friend. To make matters worst, that caused her to activate her werewolf curse. Once returning home, she tried to explain to her adoptive mom what her adoptive dad did to her. However, instead of listening to her daughter, she kicked her out at the age of 13. From there, she would have to make a living for herself. She became homeless and ran from one werewolf clan to another. Yet, even throughout all her trauma she still managed to take online classes and get her GRE. And currently, she was taking classes to get a college degree.

Throughout her telling her story, I became even more protective of her. She has had to battle so fucking much, yet she still carry's herself strongly. She honestly is my little warrior. I honestly fell more for her than what I ever expected. I would do anything to protect her and I will make sure all my friends protect her as well. She deserves love, support, friendship, family, and so much more. She lost her childhood due to awful circumstances. I will make sure she enjoys the rest of her life.

As I contemplated, how I would move heaven and earth for her, she told me: We are here!

Hayley POV:
The first thing we did was go to a bar to get some food seeing that we were starving. Once we entered the bar, I became extremely hungry and asked for some gumbo. As we ate, I noticed we were getting a lot of stares. I became uncomfortable and got close to Caroline to feel some sense of support. The woman that served us, Sophie, got close to us and said: Your people were run off from this area. What do you mean I exclaimed? Sophie continued: I can tell you much more about your kind, Hayley. I even know some of the people from your clan seeing that your birthmark sign gives you away. I can tell you and your friend more about your life later today. Please meet me at 386 Melrose Drive at 7pm. Okay, I exclaimed.

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