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Y/n's P.O.V

And this is why I don't take naps. But screw that cause fuck life. Anyways sadly I missed Chris getting beaten the crap out of. But luckily that 'Izzy' person sent be the video. But for whatever reason. No one woke me up for this. I curl up into a ball and put my head on the window. I think we're getting closer to Ashlyn's stop.

As the bus stops, I feel like someone is about to touch me. I look up to make sure and sure enough. Aiden was about to mess with my hair. Wait- my hair is already messed up cause I don't brush it. I don't know why but I feel the need to cuddle something. I look back up and Aiden is just staring at me. I have no clue but it feels like one of those anime scenes where two lovers make eye contact.

"You good?" Peri asks me. They look like they're one the edge of passing out. Not gonna lie but I also want to sleep. I also have no clue how I'm going to get out of the pit to hell. I don't even know if anything cool or exciting is happening outside of it. Like has anyone else seen the white phantom? Speaking of phantoms. I felt a vibration coming from my phone.

Phantom army filled with bitches (group chat)

No bitches:
Who change the name?

Angry bitch:
Not me but that name is accurate.

Crazy bitch(Y/n):
It was me and of course it's accurate.
Anyways. Has anything happened while I was stuck in the pit of hell.

No bitches:
Besides everyone else freaking out because you were missing? No.

Angry bitch:
You should of seen how scared Aiden looked. We had to hold him back from running out to find you.

What the fuck. Why would Aiden try to find me? He needs to worry about being killed first.

No bitches:
Anyways. So no signs of the human or white phantom. But we should really keep an eye out. Cause like what if we accidentally piss it off?

Crazy bitch(Y/n):
I think I already pissed it off.

No bitches:
I know you probably did. But no one else's has. I think-

Angry bitch:
If we die I'm blaming you.

No bitches:
I would blame Y/n.

Crazy bitch(Y/n):
Fuck you.

(End of group chat)

Suddenly I felt a hand on my head. I immediately moved away and looked at who the fuck had the audacity to touch me. Aiden look at me laughing a bit.

"What's got you in the clouds? We're at school now get of the bus." He told me while smiling. I'm not going to lie but his smile is a bit creepy. I get up and walk of the bus and make a run to my first class. And I part to god that I won't be late.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I whisper to myself as I run into the classroom. I somehow made it. I look to see if the teacher is their but luckily he isn't so I go to sit down.

"And here I thought you were dead." Peri says with a smile. What is up with people and smiling creepily? I sigh as I put my head on my desk. And as always. I faze out of society. I really don't get it. Why do people socialize? Just why.

(Timeskip to lunch cause I'm lazy af)

This has got to stop. This is the fifth scolding I got. I get it. I got separated from the group but you don't got to scold me for it. I didn't mean to fall into the pit of hell. But it is what it is. So me being me. Flipped Chris off and went back to reading fanfics. After Chris finally finished scolding me I decided to talk.

"Why are we at the same table as them?" I ask pointing to Aiden and his friends. I am really confused. Like when did we agree to sit at the same table and why is Aiden sitting next to me? Not that I'm complaining, but still!

"They thought it would be a good idea because we both our groups are in the same situation." Peri tells me. I nod my head in understanding. It would make sense but like why today? Suddenly I get a text from the 'Phantom army' group chat.

Phantom army filled with bitches(Group chat)

No bitches:
Not good.

Angry bitch:
What's not good?

Crazy bitch(Y/n):
Dude Wtf do you mean not good?

No bitches:
For one. You two need to start paying attention. And two. They are deciding that we should be telling each other about if we've seen anything unusual.

Crazy bitch(Y/n):
No good.

Angry bitch:
Why is that not good?

No bitches:
We can't tell them about the human and the white phantom. Cause then we would also have to explain what really happened that night.

Angry bitch:
Not good.

Crazy bitch(Y/n):
Let's just say nothing unusual happened.

No bitches:

Angry bitch:

(End of group chat)

I have a feeling this isn't going to go the way we want it to. But hey! It is what it is? Am I right?

(??? P.O.V)
And this is why we can't have nice things. I turn my head towards my sister. Lucy looks at my with a scared look. "You are so dead..." I give her the 'you think!?' look. We just found out where the green gem is and I must say. Today will be the day we realized. That no matter what universe. Y/n will always be hit with a protagonist halo.

Not me coming back after a month. Thank you for 1.77k reads! I wasn't expecting so many people to read this! I'll try to update more, anyways have fun reading this. And sorry for the OOC

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