Chapter 2

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When Cale woke up he was lost.

Suddenly he remembered

That damn god of death.
How was he supposed to know what to do?!

Cale calmed down. When he realized he had a very bad headache and everything was spinning.

Side effect of moving to anothet world Probably. Because This time I didn't just have my soul moved but  I had my whole body and soul moved.

Once The dizzy spell stopped

He looked around to see books. Everywhere with note marks in them.

Soon after his piercing headache stopped.

He realized he was holding something

A wand

It was his wand. Cale knew that instinctly and as he was looking at it he knew why. The wood was made from the tree grown on Jour Thames Cale's mother Og's Cale mother grave

And as he lookef closely he saw strings of red hair in it.

Cale took a deep breath he didn't know he had been holding in.

He then looked around the room again and finally stopped at a mirror.

He moved to it.

He looked Like Cale himself
But his clothes look like it fit the world or era more.

Cale soon began to realize
He was younger

When the God of death teleported him he was
24(3 idk) now he looked

19? 18?

Cale then soon saw a sticky note on the top of the mirror

It was from The Bastard

To My Dearest Child
I hope you weren't to sick when you arrived.It takes a toll on a body when traveling dimensiond not much on souls though.
As You can see you look much younger
In this world your name is
Cale Thames age 18
In your time line it is at the end of the 4th book
As You can see books are all around you and their is other important stuff in the rooms upstairs.
You have only a few months
Learn as much as you can.
I didn't just send you here to get your to learn magic Cale. I sent you here for this world to have a happy ending. That I know you so desperatly want to happen.

Only you can save this world.

❤Love Death

P.S I teleported you to Harry Potter

Cale after reading that only stood and absorbed this information.

Harry Potter he was in...Harry Potter!

Cale was no stranger to Harry Potter.
When he was little As Kim Rok Soo. His Mom went shopping and brought back the whole collection.

They were gonna read it to him at night before bed.
But before they could get to even the 2nd chapter The car crash took place.

When the police took him home from the hospital. His heart ached.

A fire started in their home.
The neighbors called the firmen but the only thing they could save were a few photos and a kinda burnt Harry Potters collection.

That day at the funeral. Ca-Kim Rok Soo held on to the books for dear life. He didn't care he couldn't read. They were his.

Not only his but his fathers and Mothers. When he was little he used to always think. That they were gonna come back at night and read them to him. Every night they did not return.

When Kim Rok Soo did learn how to read. He devoured the pages until he could recite the pages by heart.

The story was against so many of his now beliefs.
But even as Cale he couldn't end up hating the story
-characters yes story no-

When Life sucked he picked out the parts in books where Harrys life sucked to.

When Kim Rok Soo was with his Uncle and was getting beaten everytime after he would always read Harry Getting revenge on the Dursleys.

When his Uncles Wife complained about him

(Idk if the Uncle had a family but we shall say he will)

Cale read about the moments of Harry with his Parent figures and how Harry's Mom protected him.

When his cousin stole his food and forced him to starve.

He read about everytime Harry was in the Great Hall.

When his Classmates bullied him. Cale read about every Happy moment Cale had with his friends.

In a way Kim Rok Soo had the record ability. But only for Harry Potter.

Cale cried. Smiled and laughed.
He was devasted at some points and over joyious at others.

Cale knew that Death knew all of this. He knew he couldn't help but make his favorite story have a happier ending. And For Once

Cale isn't mad at him.


Hello everybody

Question What ships should I Do?

For Harry Potter and Maybe Cale

Love Luna your Author.

Have a Great Night or Day

For me its Night(11pm)

Cale the harry potter fan in HARRY POTTER?!Where stories live. Discover now