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Okie, so I found some more ships that I like. So this is the complete (probably complete) list od ships.


Gwance Lance x Gwen

Gwensaac Gwen x Isaac

Raibigail Rain x Abigail

Lanris Lance x Ceris

Ciane Kane x Ciara

Pazura Patrick x Azura

Lharcel Lhara x Marcel


Dextyll Dexter x Daryll

Gwance Lance x Gwen

Gwensaac Gwen x Isaac

Raibigail Rain x Abigail

Lanris Lance x Ceris

Ciane Kane x Ciara

Pazura Patrick x Azura

Lharcel Lhara x Marcel

Cyntheg Officer Zeg x Cynthia Rose

(MAYBE) Ralla Rain x Stella

If there are any of the SFW ships that aren't on the NSFW list and you really want to see a NSFW of that ship, just ask. Make it clear that you want it to be NSFW and, if I'm comfortable with it, I'll write the oneshot for you!

Thanks so much for reading! Peace! ✌🏻 

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