A Long Time Since (NSFW Lanris)

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  "I admit it. Maybe I do miss Lance," Ceris said as she turned to face Rain. "It's been a long time since I got to see him, and I wish he wasn't so stupid."

"You know," Rain looked out at the stars in the End's sky, "people change, Ceris. You should try giving Lance another chance."

"You think he isn't going to do something stupid again?" Ceris asked, looking at the sky as well.

"Oh, he's definitely still stupid," Rain laughed a little after saying so. "But I don't think he'll make the same mistake again."

(*TIME SKIP*)   (*of about 3 months lol*)

  Lance stood on the floor in his frog form, the light of the setting sun glowing on his skin. "You're absolutely positive this is the right spell Stella?"

"Yep! But, if it makes you more comfortable you can check!" Stella bent down and held the book out to Lance the frog.

"The letters are massive! Oh, wait. I'm just that small," Lance said.

"I got you," Rain said as he put a pair of binoculars infront of Lance backwards.

"Rain, how are binoculars going to- Oh," Lance looked into them, and saw the letters farther away so he could skan them. "Thank you, Dragon Tamer."

"No problem," Rain said as he put his binoculars back in his inventory.

"Ok, Stella," Lance said, "you have the right spell. But make sure you say it as flatly as possible, or it won't work."

"What? But usually you have to show lots of emotion for spells to work," Stella frowned as she looked at the spell.

"I made the spell that way so people can't find it and just magically make something happen to me or my frog. Now hurry up, I'm sick of being so tiny!"

  Stella cast the spell while she and Rain did their best not to laugh at how Stella sounded like a robot. There was a nice and bright light as Lance began to glow. He placed his hands on his bare hips. "Much bettter. Now if somebody could find my clothes..."

  Stella, feeling very uncomfortable as she did not want to see that, yeeted Lance's spell book at him, yelled "COVER YOUR AREA WITH THAT PLEASE.", and ran out of the room with her eyes covered.

"Oh dear," Lance took his book as he watched her leave.

"You know," Rain was doing his best not to laugh. "You know, you could have told us you would be naked."

"I thought you were smart enough to figure that out," Lance grabbed a blanket from the bed, closed the blinds, and wrapped the blanket around himself. "I hope nobody saw that through the window, and there are so many of the Frostborn here in Dreadfort. Rain, was I wearing clothes as a frog? NO. Does that mean I won't have clothes on? Yes."

  It was at this moment that Ciara walked in. As she didn't know what Lance's human form looked like, she was very confused. "Who's this?" She asked as she looked Lance up and down.

  Ceris came in and answered Ciara's question before Rain could even part his lips. "That, Ciara, is none other than the famed rogue End Mage. Lance."

"Oh god," Lance flicked his hand so his spell book was infront of his face. "This just keeps getting more awkward..."

"You know what?" Ciara backed up to the door. "I'll come back later to ask questions. Yeah." She quickly left the room.

"Lance," Ceris approached him as she spoke. "Why are you wrapped in a blanket? I thought you were a frog, at least they said you were. What are you doing?"

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