The gym

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Y/n's pov

It's a bit past 9pm and I enter the lockeroom. I still use the women's lockeroom, toilets and showers when I have to, since I don't feel comfortable sharing it with cis men when I havent begun any physical transition. I put my stuff away in my locker and enter my new made password to lock it. I'm wearing a sports bra, my favorite black basketball shorts and a black t-shirt.

I notice there's a second door to another gym in the back of the gym I'm in and assume it's where they usually train more advanced

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I notice there's a second door to another gym in the back of the gym I'm in and assume it's where they usually train more advanced.

I look around gym and can't find a speaker.
"How can I help you, sir?" He replies
I smile to myself as he calls me "sir"
"Can you play my workout playlist in here? On shuffle?"
"Playing your workout playlist on shuffle sir" I hear before the music starts playing "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin.

I stretch before doing some biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest workouts. I then climb on the rolling climbwall and finish with a 20 minute run on the treadmill and then 10 minute walk. I head to the lockeroom again and get undressed. I grab my towel and head to the showers.

When I've rinsed off I wrap my towel around me, grab a new bottle of water and head to sit in the sauna. It's pretty cold in there so I turn the heat up a bit and throw on some water. Just as I'm about to take a sip of my water, a naked red head walks in with her towel loosely around her.

"Oh, I thought I was alone, hi" she says like I've caught her off guard

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"Oh, I thought I was alone, hi" she says like I've caught her off guard.
I stare a bit to long and when I realize, I reply "hi. I Y/n, Tony's...son.."
She sits down on her towel with her legs closed and smile, still compleatly naked. She doesn't seem to care very much. She seems confident which makes me even more nervous.
"Son?" She asks "this is the womens..." She begins saying but I reply panicked
"Im...uh...I uh...I haven't started any physical...transition yet..."
She nods and smiles while reasuring "Oh okey, hey its okey. You're welcome to use this space just as much as any of us. Im Natasha by the way, but you can call me Nat"
I nod a bit reassured.

"So...Tony has a kid? I guess I shouldn't be surprised but...well it's nice meeting you Y/n" she smiles
I smile back "yeah I've mainly been living with my mom but she uh...passed.."

"Oh I'm so sorry! If theres anything i can do just let me know, okey?" She says now very sincere. "Thank's kind of fresh's been great so far and this is amazing. I mean the gym, the kitchen, the living room and the GARAGE!" I reply.

"You like the garage huh? Just like your dad" she smirks interested while looking me up and down as I sit awkwardly with my towel wrapped around myself, trying to keep my eyes off her body.
I nod "I uh...yeah I study engineering and tech online" I answer, staring down, trying to avoid staring at her.

She has a warm smile, a smile that feels like home yet...dark in a way I can't really place.
"Im sure you're amazing, and your dad would probably love to watch you outsmart him" she laughs. I look up at her and smile. We keep eye contact for what feels like minutes.
"I should go shower" I say almost panicked before getting up and heading to the showers.
Her eyes follow me as I leave.

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