Dominant Marriott(praise)🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶

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"James?" I called walking into the flat before noticing all the lights were off.

"What is that idiot doing-" I mumbled making my way through the flat and seeing a gentle glow coming from the open door of the bedroom, I cut myself off when I found james sitting at the end of the bed in a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and some black jeans.

"James what.." James had a devilish grin as he looked at me.
"Here" he ordered as he pointed to the ground in front of him instructing me to come forwards.

As I walked towards him I hadn't notice is his other hand he was holding a belt.

Now this is definitely going to get exciting.

I had dropped my bag and coat next to the doorway and kneeled in front of him. He gently grabbed my face and made me look into his eyes as he spoke.

"Tonight you're going to to one thing and one thing only, obey. Do I have your consent to do so?"

They gentle way he held my face and spoke to me made me weak, even they way he asked first before anything giving me control to give myself to him and his commands made me dizzy and I loved it. With a grin on my face I only answered.
"Yes sir" I breathed, I was entranced.

He bent my neck up and put his lips to my ear.
"Good girl, take off that dress"

I didnt even hesitated I stood up and pulled the dress on instantly and was standing there in nothing but my underwear.

He patted his knees "across my knee" just the way he was looking me in the eyes the entire time it felt as if he was controlling my breathing, my heart.

I leaned over laying flat across his legs with his fingers grazing my back, thighs and ass. I shuddered at the touch I was so soft and gentle it felt as if a cold breeze was brushing against me but no it was just his large hands on me. Before any warning a hard smack hit against my ass, adrenaline sparked though me as well as the shock. That taste of pain gave me ecstacy I have never felt such pleasure from pain and I wanted more.

The second was just as hard and made my ass weep with pain as I nearly screamed out. His hand was stroking that sensitive spot as he leaned in,
"Well done, you're being such a good girl for me and taking what I'm giving you. I want to give you pleasure so if you keep being a good girl for me I will give you a treat. Would you like a treat baby girl?"

I was panting, my breath was so heavy and my heart racing I could bearly think straight.
"Yes sir I'll be a good girl for you"

"Good. Now lay on the bed" He helped me as I stumbled to get up, the pain stinging as I moved onto my back. James stood at the end of the bed just watching.

I could see his chest heaving as he breathed I could see how lustful those eyes were for me but he was holding himself back, wanting to enjoy the control. The full obedience I had given him.

He grabbed my legs and pulled my waist to the end of the bed, hooking my legs over his shoulders. Gentle kisses laced my thighs then licks and his teeth grazing them.

My body hummed with pleasure and craved for more, more, more. My patience was wearing thin I wanted to grab his face and push against me so badly I tried to go for his hair and before I even felt those curls against my fingertips he looked me dead in the eye, those golden flecked shined as he growled gently against me.
"Dont. You. Dare."
I retracted my hand as my body set aflame I was so close but he pulled away

He stood back up just to look down at the mess me made of me.

"You don't get to cum unless I tell you to, got it?"

The whole room was spinning I needed him I was tempted to pin him down and start riding him but I could see in his eyes he was loving every second of this. Making me into a hot frustrated mess.

He took off his clothes and straddled between my legs, his length rubbing against me slow Ideal strokes making me want to scream.

"You're not cuming till I'm inside you making you scream my name"

Before I even had time to react he was inside thrusting hard against me, he edged me so much I came crying out his name before he even had a chance to finish himself.

I laid flat against the bed with my legs slightly spasming from the pleasure my head was clouded bearly thinking straight.

"Oh no no, I'm not finished yet now be a good girl and take it"

His thrusts started again harder and faster if felt as if his body was begging for release, my brain was numb but my body was already on round 2 I could feel him getting close aswell as I.

"Fuck you feel so good" James moaned out the words and he came and my second orgasam was so much louder I nearly cried from pleasure.

As James's breathing started to calm from are aggressive play I felt him move away from me placing a blanket over my naked body and kissing my forehead.

"That's my good girl, now get some sleep you'll need it for next time"

With a gentle chuckle I found myself falling asleep tired and relaxed.


Finished it lol

JAMES MARRIOTT ONESHOTS 🌶🌶🌶Where stories live. Discover now