On the steps of the...well, MET

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Daisy first three periods went by in blur, ending with her skirt clad bottom on her usual lunch spot. The steps of the MET.

With her back against Max's chest and legs across Aki's lap Daisy felt relaxed, plus the edible Max had slipped into her lunch had certainly 'mellowed' her out. A sigh of content left bee-stung lips as the Wolfe boy reached his hand up to massage the brunettes scalp, "that feel good sweet girl?" A hum of approval was heard chased by three separate chuckles; "of course shes enjoying it, shes like a cat" Audrey drawled with a teasing smirk on lips.

Daisy payed no mind to the banter, it simply made her feel normal.

"Dumbo Hall tonight dears, and a reminder it is fashion week so dress accordingly" Max spoke after a few moments of silence, he had gotten his little notification about tonight's plans that Daisy had oh sweetly put on his calendar. A huff came from Obies lips "im actually stuffing envelopes after school so I'll be late, and probably rumbled and sweaty-" the boy looked down in slight guilt when he noticed his girlfriends puppy eyes, he carried on nonetheless, "-and you said you would come with me" an accusatory finger jabbed Akis chest playfully and the pink haired boy laughed, "yeah, just so you'd quit asking me".

Daisy couldn't help but roll her eyes at Akenos bluntness, using her Mary-Jane covered feet to lightly kick his arm. Of course the menzies boy took her kick way out of proportion and dramatically held a ring clad hand to his heart, "oh you wound, i am so close to death" with that he fell back playing dead for a second or two. This act elicited soft giggles from the horizontal teen as she sat up to 'make sure he was still alive'; Aki took this opportunity to also arise from the floor and smother Daisy's face with kisses.

Everywhere but her lips.

The pair were pulled from their charade when Max noticed Juliens half-sister standing by the lights, with a scoff he spoke "who waits for the light?" His tone was that of a 13 year old with an attitude. Julien was quick to cover for her relative, "shes not from here" the calloway girl defensively spoke earning a suspicious look from both Audrey and Daisy.


"I still don't know what your talking about" Luna drawled, obviously still playing along with her 'i don't see freshman bit'. Daisy was growing tired of it; "you know what would trend faster than a fall fashion fail?" Monet asked her friends rhetorically, "a secret sister splash video" when finishing her sentence a smirk had painted its way onto her glossy lips.

Daisy took this time to zone out her friends mean comments and watch Audrey. Today the blonde was seemingly entrapped in her book, though Daisy couldnt see the title, making no comments or even a peep. This honestly concerned the McKenna girl and she went to tap Audrey on the shoulder.

Her attempt to talk was soon cut short when Julien spoke,

To her sister.

"Hey" a beat "are those Bey Supertsars?" She asked referring to the younger teens shoes; "yeah" the girls voice was soft, almost as if she were terrified if she spoke to loud the herd of Juniors would pounce. She genuinely looked scared.

What happened next seemed to shock the group further, "can i get a picture?" Now usually this wouldn't be deemed a big deal but this was Julien Calloway. Her instagram was like a V.I.P club that only A-list celebrities could get into. She really posted other people besides herself, and even then it was usually just promoting a brand of a restaurant for free stuff/food. This was completely new and Daisy couldn't help but smile at her friend for reaching out.

"Just 'cause our dads hate each-other doesnt mean we have to right?" Again her words seem to surprise the group, Audrey watched with calculating eyes (book long forgotten now) while her brunette counter-part simply watched with a soft smile.

From her original spot Monet couldn't help but butt in "what're you doing?" The question was aimed at both Julien and Luna, who was now standing to take said picture, "taking a pic?" The DeHaan girl was quick to jab back with a "she has a headband on!" Of course she had gone for the classic 'make fun of the new girls appearance cliche.

How predictable.

"Its actually a scarf, it was my-" another beat "our moms" Daisy couldnt help the quiet awe that left her lips, causing three pairs of slotted eyes to snap towards a her.

Choosing to ignore the scene before them Audrey went straight into question, "awe? What do you mean awe?" Her voice was firm but words were fast spoke, catching Daisy off-guard. She didn't understand why it felt like she was being interrogated, "i-i mean awe, that was sweet of her refer to her- their mom as their mom" an innocent look of slight hurt flashed through the brunettes eyes as she looked at all three of her friends whom still had glares on their faces.

Why were they mad at her?

Choosing to finish her lunch alone and away from the harsh stares of Max, Aki and Audrey; Daisy swiftly packed her things and scurried off muttering a quick small "see you guys tonight".

Of course the McKenna teen had missed Julien inviting her sister to Dumbo Hall that evening, or how the trio she had left behind shared quiet words of worry about Daisy's disappearing act.

Pretty Little Thing ~ Akeno Menzies, Max Wolfe and Audrey HopeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon