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So after our last encounter I've been w/ the wolves. Since I was there and they couldn't tell which wolf I was. This has to do w/ actual wolves' senses being different from ours. Theirs are stronger. That's because they rely more heavily on them than we do. Also because we're shifters the wolf senses we have are duller. What does that have to do w/ it? Well think of the worst smell you've ever smelt in your life. Now make the smell 20 times stronger. Then work you way up to 100. Our senses become more present in our human forms as we get older up to when we get our wolves. But our senses are like this as humans. It gets worse if we add the wolf sense of smell to it. Now how come they can't tell the difference? Well there's multiple characteristics to our smell. There's pack and rouge for instance. If it's pack then there'd be a community smell you could say. Basically you can think of it as you walk through a perfume store and the sales people keep spraying the perfume. So gets on you here and there and then there's just the fact that walking along the path perfume had been sprayed can get some on you. So all those different smells combined into one. Now think of the each perfume smell as a person. The smell all the smells make mix w/ your own is the pack scent. Now rouges are like that introvert that won't do a thing unless forced to do so type smell. Basically unkept. What does this have to do w/ me? Simple. Actual wolf packs have different scents. One they have more of a forest scent to them but two the pack scent is way more pronounced. So w/ us the scent is a background scent. Like our natural scent is dominate. Actual wolves it's switched. My senses were already extremely sharp by wolf standards. Mainly because assassin. Now being a part of an actual wolf pack and living like one of them must have sharpened them even more. So I can tell who's who. But being an assassin I know how to blend in w/ a crowd. So the other wolves are just doomed. But because of all this the wolves haven't been getting beaten. I haven't seen that she wolf ever since that one day.


I stand corrected.

"Rose! I'm going crazy w/o you! Come on! I was mad I couldn't be w/ you so I took my anger out on them! I know that wasn't the best option but I didn't want to hurt you by accident!" She yells as soon as she gets through the door. She's the only one who can smell me. Mate bound for you. She goes to step closer to me. To us. The alpha growled at her.

'Violet.' The luna says.

'Yes luna?' I answer.

'Why do they call you Rose?' She asks.

'Because it's my code name.' I answer.

'Code name?' Elder sister asks. Also I don't remember if I explained this to you but actual wolf packs consist of family members and not random wolves. Not usually anyways. So besides myself we refer to each other as brother or sister. Unless it's the alpha or luna.

'Yes code name. So unless I wanted humans after me I couldn't use my real name.' I explain a bit.

'Do you have any others?' The luna asks.

'Yes I do. Just to be safe. If someone got caught I was known by many different names. So it would be harder to track me down.' I answer.

"Rose!" We turn our attention back to the she wolf. "I want my mate already!"  She declares. I bear my teeth at her. "D- did you really just bear your teeth at me?" She asks. For the first time I heard her stutter. "You know what. I challenge you." She says. My eyes go wide.

'What's wrong Violet?' The luna asks.

'She challenged me.' I say trying to understand if this was really happening.

'What does that mean? Someone could challenge dad or well the Alpha as you refer him as but it's not that big of a deal.' Elder brother states.

'Things are different for us. When you get challenged you set terms and conditions. This was mainly for alphas who get challenged. It was so they could make sure if they lost their pack is still safe. We are bred not to decline a challenge. The only exception is health. But this isn't for a title so restrictions to what can be a condition are gone. That means she can say what she wants and if she wins I have to obey the conditions.' I state. They all reacted the same as me once knowing the risks involved.

"I'm not fighting you in wolf form. So shift." The she wolf says. I find a place and shift then dress.

"I don't care who wins. I just know that if either way if I win or lose they will be safe. No one hurting them otherwise I won't accept." I say. Yes we were bred not to decline a challenge. But stating a condition like this can make the challenge void if the challenger doesn't accept a condition from the challengee.

"Ok! Whatever! If I win you can't leave me and you have to accept the mate bond!" She states.

"If I win you have to release us and break the bond." I state flatly. She tensed at that.

"All the conditions have been made. So let's get this started." She states. She then rushes at me. She's sloppy. She threw a left hook and left her right opened. But then I noticed it was on purpose. So instead of going right I punched her left side. She lost her balance and collapsed on top of her leg. I took this chance and went to attack her head. She cut my attack and then yanked me closer then suddenly pushed against me. This caused me to fall backwards on my butt. She still had ahold of my wrist she caught and used that to keep me down. She then straddled my waist and pinned both my wrist above my head. I kept struggling but she just kept me pinned. After about half an hour she had enough. "Rose I won!" She growls out.

"Not yet you haven't!" I state. So unless you yield the only way to lose is if you died. Well in this case they got you in a life or death situation.

"Oh really?!" She asks. Next thing I know she has my wrist pinned w/ one had and the other is around my throat. "Think again!" She says. Next thing anyone knows the challenge ends. I was expecting her to get off me but she didn't. She pulled a rope out of fucking nowhere and tied my wrist. She then got up and picked me up all at the same time.

"Hey put me down!" I yell. She growls then I feel a slap on my butt! "Hey!" I scream. She isn't fazed and walks off w/ me. Next thing I know we're in her room. She then threw me on the bed.

"Mate now or cuddle." She says.

".... C- cuddle..." I say. She just nods then climbs in behind me. I feel her arms wrap around me tightly and then I hear her take in deep and long breaths in the crook of my neck.

"Mine!" She growls out right before going to sleep.

A lone wolf can be more dangerous than a pack.Where stories live. Discover now