Chapter 14:Research

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I placed the three albums on the kitchen table, and I opened the one closest to me and opened it. Something fell out of the album, and I reached down to pick it up.
It was written on the back of the polaroid. I flipped it over to see my mom in a white dress. A chill went down my spine. The dress was covered in blood, and she had a ring on her finger.
"What the hell?" I asked myself.
Someone tried to burn this picture. I start to look through the album. She didn't have the ring. I didn't know this then, but my leg was bouncing. Jonah then came out of the bathroom, kissed my forehead, and headed back into the room. I closed the photo album in my hand and took a picture of the polaroid. I cropped the ring and sent it to Anya.
"Is this ring at your house?" I asked.
"I don't know; let me look," Anya responded.
Jonah came and sat down next to me.
"What?" Jonah asked.
I gave him the polaroid, then stood up and began to pace.
"What is this?" He asked.
"I think it's a picture of my mom," I responded.
"Holy shit!"
"If we find the ring, then we find the killer."
"Holy shit!"
Jonah then picked me up. He spun me around.
"What about your parents?" I asked.
"They will contact me when they want to."
Jonah then slowly puts me down on the ground. I kissed him passionately. He then kissed me back passionately. We went all the way. We fell asleep embraced. PING! I was woken up by a text message. I sat up and grabbed my phone from the side table. It was from Anya.
"I found it, but you're not going to like where." The text read.
"Tell me," I responded.
Anya sent a picture to me, and it was of Kolby, and he had a ring around his neck.
"SHIT!" I said to myself.
I put my phone down, put my head on Jonah's chest, and fell asleep again.

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