Chapter 78

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Lu Xiao didn't even raise his eyebrows. He kept silent about Manli's matter. It was just a matter of whacking the mouse and avoiding the jade bottle. Ling Ping's gray edge operation was not the only one, and he wanted to grasp the handle.

"Please let them out, Mrs. Li stay here for a while." Lu Xiao ordered in a low voice, everyone was semi-forcibly invited out in a short while, even Ling Siye, who fell on the ground and whimpered, was quickly carried out by two Alphas up.

The scene was cleared in less than two minutes, and Mrs. Li was half-framed by Alpha guards and sat down in front of Lu Xiao. Li Ting was terrified, Lu Xiao seemed to show her a truth today.

In the face of absolute power, all strategies are as fragile as a piece of rice paper, and they can be defeated by one force.

Everything she is good at has become a joke.

Li Ting believes that even if she dies here today, no one will ask her...

"You..." Lu Xiao frowned and opened his mouth. Li Ting screamed as soon as he said a word. He tried to stand up while stepping on his high heels. Behind him, Alpha calmly pressed her back on the sofa with one hand.

"I didn't do anything... I really didn't do anything, it was all Ling Ping's fault!" She just pushed her back, Feng Shui took turns, Lu Xiao gave Ling Cen a chance, and it was Ling Cen's turn to ride on her head ...

"What did I ask, what did you say?" Those who didn't ask didn't need to speak, Lu Xiao frowned even deeper.

Li Ting nodded like pounding garlic.

"Where's Ling Cen's mother's dowry jewelry?" Lu Xiao asked in a low voice.

Li Ting was stunned. Was it to ask about this matter? It took so many years to settle the old debt?

She kept silent, secretly calculating how to use this matter in her heart. And if he really answered Lu Xiao's question, would Lu Xiao be collecting evidence? Go back and sue her for theft...

Several thoughts flashed through her mind, and Lu Xiao knew what she was thinking at a glance, so she didn't bother to bother: "I'll just ask once, and you can leave if you don't answer."

Li Ting was so frightened by this light and powerless sentence that her back was soaked in cold sweat. When the wind from the indoor circulation system blew, she felt cold to the bone.

The teeth could not stop trembling and made a "da da" sound, instinctively feeling the incomparable threat to himself.

"I...I've sold it all." Li Ting didn't dare to lie anymore, and the plan to pay a sum of money that she had planned a few minutes ago was instantly dismissed, and she answered honestly.

Lu Xiao nodded slightly: "How did you sell it?"

"It's a private auction, as well as a dinner...a charity auction." In fact, the jewelry that Lan Junyi had worn, and the ones that showed her face, were all sold privately by her without leaving a trace. For those who have not worn it, the star coins are changed in the name of her jewelry, not only gaining a good reputation, but also leaving no trace.

It's to prevent Ling Cen from asking them for money one day, and there will be no proof.

"Photo." Lu Xiao signaled her to upload it to her terminal. For all auctions, whether private or public, the auction items must be archived at the bank and the auctioneer's terminal. The basic period is ten years.

To prevent major defects in the auction items, both parties can have fair evidence when they go to court.

Li Ting understood what Lu Xiao wanted, and bit her lower lip and refused to hand it over. All she handed over was evidence... With these Ling Cen could use them to sue her at any time.

[MTL] Rebirth: Remarrying Doomed AdmiralWhere stories live. Discover now