Chapter Eight

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EDEN AND PETER sat on top of the high school's roof, often where he, MJ, and Ned went when things got too intense or they needed some air. The two of them sat in silence, watching and looking at the stars in the sky. Eden was too nervous to say anything, afraid of saying the wrong thing.

" think May would be disappointed?" Peter asked while tears were still rolling down his cheeks.

Eden shakes her head, "Of course not, Parker. You did the right thing."

"Yeah," it was silent again. The two of them are not able to find the right words to say. Not knowing how to comfort each other. The world seemed still and all there had been was just them two and the few birds chirping through the sky.

"Peter...I," before Eden could finish her sentence, Peter cut her off. Eden wanted to say it, that she thought she'd fallen for him, because after all of this? Eden bites her lip, her mind racing. She wants to tell him how she feels, but she's scared. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if it changes everything?

"Eden please. Not right now."

"Just... just hear me out, okay? I want to say this before it's too late."

"I know what you're about to say, because... even if it's only been a few months since we've known each other...I feel the same way. I just can't do that to MJ," Peter sighs and buries his face in his hands. In the short amount of time Peter and Eden had hung out, they'd gotten rather close. There would be the small moments between the two of them that made them both realize their feelings for each other.

There was one instance when Peter, Eden and Matt had lunch together.

It's a small cafe down the street from Eden's hotel. Eden told Peter about it one morning and how they have the best pastries. So, she had the idea of taking Peter and Matt to lunch.

"I don't even know what to get, Eden. There's too many choices!"

Eden chuckles softly, she glances over at Matt and asks, "What are you getting, Matt? They've got sandwiches, didn't last time we were here you got their sandwich and you said it was like the best thing ever?"

"Probably the ruben. It's the only thing that sounds good."

Eden makes a disgusted face, "You would get that. That totally screams Matt Murdock."

Matt smirks, "What's that supposed to mean? Ruben's are good, you're just missing out."

"Sauerkraut on a sandwich? Not a chance, buddy."

Matt shrugs, "Your loss."

Eden looks over at Peter who's still looking at the menu. She leans over his shoulder and tries to see what he's looking at. She whisper "Decide yet?"

Peter's breath hitches in his throat, nervous about how close she was to him, "Um. Yeah, I think I'm just going to get the turkey croissant sandwich thing."

Eden wanted to so badly slide her hand into his. Be there for him, comfort him. But, if that's not what Peter wanted, she'd respect that. She'd just have to wait a little longer.

A/N: This is a shorter chapter than expected, but I liked the ending... Next chapter will hopefully be longer!!

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