Chapter Seventeen

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Ben moved back, his hand falling from Eden's cheek. "I'm sorry, I...I don't know what came over me." Eden's cheek still felt warm from where his hand laid, and she reached her own hand up to her cheek.

"It's okay, I should get going actually. I have friends I'm meeting to see if they got into their dream school," Eden stands up and makes her way towards the door, slipping her shoes back on.

"Talk later?" She asks.

"Sure, Yeah."

Eden pauses at the door, her hand resting on the doorknob. She turns back to Ben, a look of indecision on her face. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" She asks, her voice tinged with concern.

Ben nods, his gaze unwavering. "Yeah, it's okay. Go have fun with your friends. I'll be here waiting." Eden can't shake the feeling that something is off, but she nods and turns back to the door, slipping out. The tension lingers in the room like a palpable force, even after she's gone.

Eden meets up with MJ and Ned at the donut shop in town. The bell above the door jingles as she opens it and finds a seat at the bar top. As Eden settles onto the stool, the scent of fried dough and warm coffee envelopes her.

MJ and Ned greet her enthusiastically, their faces lit up with excitement about the college acceptance news. But Eden can't get rid of the feeling of unease that clings to her like a cloak. She forces a smile, tries to engage in the conversation, but her mind keeps drifting back to Ben, and the strange tension that lingered in the air between them.

She sips her coffee, completely lost in her daydreams, wondering if she's made a mistake leaving him so abruptly. Eden has this provoking idea in her head. If you could even call it that. Maybe it was more of an imagination swirling in her mind.

She could have sworn she was supposed to meet someone. She doesn't know who, or where, or when. The idea continues to flood her mind. It's as if she's on the cusp of some important realization, but can't quite put her finger on it. The thought of meeting someone gnaws at her, an urgent feeling that she's forgetting something important.

Ned snaps his fingers in front of her face to get her out of the daydream she was in. "Eden? Eds? You with us?"

She vigorously shakes her head and drops her shoulders, "Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Got lost in my thoughts for a minute. I seriously don't know what I'm gonna do once you guys go to college."

"Aw, you can always hang out with Ned's grandma," MJ shrugs.

Eden chuckles, "I don't know...there is someone that I kind of have been seeing, I guess?" Ned turns in his seat to get a good look at Eden. His mouth was hanging open in complete shock. He shakes his head a few times before he finally lets her explain.

Eden blushes, looking down at her hands as she tries to gather her thoughts. "His name is...Ben. He's...well, he's nice. And cute. And...really, really, really good at writing. But that's not the point! The point is, I don't know what to do! I don't want to move on from Peter, but I don't want to lead Ben on either!"

MJ and Ned exchange a bewildered glance. Confused at the two names that Eden had just thrown out. "Whoa, hold up," MJ says, eyebrow raised. "Who's Peter?"

Eden's eyes widened, her mind suddenly flooded with confusion. Peter? Who is Peter? She was sure she didn't know anyone by the name Peter, and she wonders if she's losing her grip on reality. The mere mention of this mysterious 'Peter ' has rattled her like a bolt of lightning, and she doesn't know why.

As if on cue, Ben strides through the front door of the shop. A boy with dark brown hair right behind him, holding a crumpled piece of paper. "Hey, Eden!" Ben says with a smile and a wave, oblivious to the sudden tension in the room.

The boy behind him steps up to the register, his hands are shaking and he can't keep the paper still. The paper flutters in his hands like a scared butterfly, his shaky hands portraying his nervousness. His eyes darted around the room, never quite settling on one spot or person. He decides he doesn't end up needing the paper and tosses it back into his jacket pocket.

Ben takes a seat next to Eden and Ned, the two of them shake hands and hug as Eden blushes behind him. Then, he turns back to Eden, "Have you ordered yet? I'll get you something," he nods his head towards the menu hanging on the wall.

Eden smiles, still slightly flustered, but gives Ben a nod. "Sure, a donut sounds good. I'll just have a classic glazed, MJ. Thanks." She feels herself relax a bit, the mere presence of Ben's friendly manner and the promise of a sugar fix soothing her nerves.

"So, Ben, what do you do?" Ned asks.

"I actually manage a bookstore downtown. I heard you guys got into MIT? I studied there too, it's a really good school," Ben smiles, and Eden next to him can't help but keep her eyes on the boy that's waiting for his order.

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