
Moon explains what happened to her, and the two just sit in silence for a moment, neither knowing what to say.

Sun inevitably gets bored, and decides to take a peek her closet, rummaging through her clothes as he does so.

"Hey Moon, Do you have any rules I should follow?" He asks, setting the phone on speaker and placing it down.

"Yes, yes I do, firstly keep my room clean, secondly DON'T be yourself, you need to act and talk like me, ok?"


"Alright then, don't make people think I'm secretly like you."

"Got it, ok bye!"


She hangs up on him.

Taking this time to change, he looks at the open closet,'I wonder'

He takes a step into her closet and a spit second later step out, completely dressed, 'So that's how girls do it.'

Standing around for a bit, he tries to think of something to do.

'I'm gonna call Hau! Oh, wait, I don't know what Moon has him under...darn.'

Instead of hanging out with someone, he decides to head out and walk around.

"Ah, fresh air!" He exclaim.

Suddenly, there's a tap on his shoulder, he turns to see Lillie behind him bouncing on her heels.

"Moon! Gladion Hau and I are going to the park for a hike! Do you want to come?" Lillie asks.

'WHAT WOULD MOON SAY?!?' Sun stresses, 'I'm just gonna go'

"Sure, I'll come." He says, in his best impression of Moon.
"Alright then, LAST ONE THERE HAS TO BUY MALASADAS FOR EVERYONE!" Hau yells, and runs off.


'I'm going to blow up this fuckers house.' Moon thinks to herself as they look around the messy room.

She glances at the mirror, realizing that they still need to change, and begrudgingly she digs through a pile of cloths to find something that smells socially acceptable.

Unsurprising to her, all of his clothes were the exact same.

After changing cloths, they mull over their options, deciding she wants to go to Sawsbucks to grab a morning coffee.

Unfortunately respect goes both ways, and if she didn't want him ruining her image, they couldn't do that to him. Even if he didn't have much of a reputation at all.

They shrug, and walk outside, deciding to just clear her head and relax.

As she walks down the street, her hat gets pulled off their head, startling her, and causing them to jump. They turn around to see her friends, and she waves, not sure what exactly to say.

"Hey guys! Sun is awake!" Shouts Lillie, before putting Sun's hat over her strawberry blond hair.

Moon chuckles at this, as they were glad Lillie was becoming more energetic, as past events had proven to be detrimental to her mental health.

"Come on Sun, we're going on a hike!" Lillie says excitedly, as Moon feels a hand grab theirs.

Lillie grabs her brothers hand as well, and shoots him a look that says 'If you don't join hands with at least one other person you'll end up back in therapy.'

When Gladion rolls his eyes at her, she lets go of his hand in disappointment, and just continues to hold the hand of who she assumes is Sun.

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