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Oh lord it took forever but it was worth it man..

Enjoy and I always love you<33

It was another peaceful day right?

Mike screeched when he woke up, "EEEEEEEEEAGAA!!!!" "WOAH WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED??!" Jimbo sprinted, "WHATS THAT?!?!" Mike yelped, floating. "Oh, that's Jayden's new pet." Jimbo held Zach, "I think you were warm that's why." He carried Zach to Jayden's room. "Oh my god." Mike relieves, everyone woke up to the sound of Mike already and started scolding him at the dining table. "Why'd you start screaming?? You know me and Jerick wake up at 6!!" Kobe sipped his coffee, "my ears hurt.." Jemar murmured. Jayden didn't mind since it happens, he just ate normally.

"Dude.. i was about to have the best moment ever!!" Ron rubbed his eyes, "I'm sick of this shit but I don't care at the same time." Jimbo limped. Hunter and Barkev just ate, but said some comments about Mike. After that, they just hanged around the couch. Jemar eating chips and Kobe bullying him about it, "ITS TOO HOT IN HERE!!!" Hunter groaned. "Well its not for me-" "CAUSE YOUR A DEMON MIKE!!" Jayden yelled. Barkev and Hunter started yelling at Mike too and the rest laughed. "Fuck this shit, let's swim then." Jayden sprinted outside, everyone else agreed and ran to their rooms.

They were dressed up in swim shorts and ran outside, expect Mike. He didn't really want to go in the pool. It wasn't hot for him anyways, so what was the point?


"Hurry up Mike, let's go swim!" Jemar carried Mike, he sighed then accepted it. "I got the demon!!" Jemar threw him in the water, Mike held his breathe then rosed up. But they all had a fun time, pool noodles wrestling and splash fights. 
Then Mike realized that it wasn't that bad, and started wagging his tail, and he spread his wings. They were in the pool for about 2 hours then dried up, Mike hopped on the trampoline and took off his towel. Then the others jumped too.

They all ate then played some video games, it was normal. They tried to pull up an all nighters but realized it was a terrible idea and just slept.


One step rippled the water, and he started to walk through. It was shallow so he continued, the water relaxes. It was getting more deeper and he remained walking. He kept going until he fell, he tried going up as nothing but something was grabbing him. He tried to swim up to the surface but couldn't. It pulled Mike down and he was choking.

"Geo, you really let yourself down." Someone whispered, suddenly he could breathe. "Geo, please come back." A hand held out. Mike realized that it was his friends, "no.. I can't go back." Mike backed away. "please.. we miss you." Two hands held out. "no.. I cannot go back to that life.." Mike sobbed, "NOW." They grabbed him.

Mike shot up, teary. He rubbed away his tears and started to curl up, were they right? Should he go back to being a murderer? I mean, it was acceptable because he is a demon right? It was where he was originally born and grew up to be. He changed his name because he wanted a fresh start, it sucked but he felt like it was best for him. "Hey Mike, are you okay..?" Kobe rubbed his eyes, "I heard a noise too, so don't worry." He hugged Mike, they didn't know about Mike's backstory. He hugged him back and thought how bad it would be if he went back, he reassured himself that he is fine here.
Yes you heard it right now, Mike used to be a murderer.

Words: 627

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