/~»Shopping Rink«~\

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The idiots are pussies😭

Anyways love you and enjoy<33


The idiots wanted to go to a ice rink, they rented one and started shoving their feet in the ice skates. Surprisingly Jimbo and Hunter were balancing on the rink while the rest wobble and fall, Jayden and Mike held the side walls while Jerick got the hang of it. "Jayden come over here!" Hunter waves, "fuck you, I can't skate!!" Jayden grumbled. Hunter glided towards him and guided Jayden slowly, soon Jayden slid with the rest. Kobe and Ron stumbles but they can stand for a little, Mike clung onto Jimbo and Jemar was skating quickly.
"Mike, you gotta slid like this!" Jimbo moved his feet, slowly speeding up. "STOP STOP STOP THATS TOO FAST!!" Mike fell, "I wasn't even skating that fast!" Jimbo taunted. "Yea you were!! Fucking Usain Bolt 2.0 bro!" Mike curled.

"Come on!! Look, you can glide like a squirrel too." Jimbo pulled Mike up. Mike gave in and tried, it took him forever but he could skate. "Okay so can we all skate?" Kobe glances, "nope. Barkev is sitting right there!" Jemar whispered.
"Barkev hurry up!!" Jayden signed, "I'm gonna fall!!" He shouted. "It don't matter!!" Ron hollered back, "I'LL HELP YOU!!" Jayden yelled.
Barkev immediately rushed over and tried walking to Jayden, he flopped forward and everyone wheezed. "So excited for what?" Jemar snickered, "he's gay." Jerick wheezed. "Like me." Kobe pointed, "bleh." Jerick coughed. They all helped Barkev and finally, everybody could skate!
"Race? Okay three two one.." Ron counted down, "GOO!!" Jimbo hollered. Everyone slid across the rink, gliding swiftly. Jemar took a leap then spun, the others watch in awe. He lands and they focused on the race, Hunter held his hand out but Jimbo smacked Hunter's hand and placed his hand on the wall. "I WIN!! I WIN!!" Jimbo cheered, skating around.

"CHEATER!! CHEATER!!" Ron pouted, Jerick wheezed and Jimbo cackled hard. "DUDE MIKE PUSHED ME OUT OF THE WAY!!" Barkev groaned, "I wanted to win." Mike defended. "Shush, let's go eat pizza!" Kobe celebrated. Jimbo got a dessert and Hunter sulked, "it's just ice cream!" Barkev comforted. "I'll buy us ice cream sandwiches at the store you big baby." Jerick patted his back.
They finished their food and left the place, laughing and arguing. "Barkev, you were a pussy bro!" Jayden snickered, "shut the fuck up Jayden, you too." Barkev elbowed.
"Fucks wrong with y'all? Everyone was pussies!" Jemar snapped, "Jemar shush." Ron sipped. "WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THE ORANGE JUICE BOXES AT??" Hunter snatched the juice box. "DON'T TAKE MY JUICE BOX BITCH!!" Ron bickered. "SHOTGUN!!" Mike called, "It's my idea so I sit in the front demon bitch." Jerick sashays. "FUCK YOU STUCK UP BITCH!" Mike flipped, "STOP YELLING AND GET IN THE CAR!!" Kobe scolded. Mike slammed the car door and they drove,
"Mike!! Don't slam the door dude!!" Jimbo squished mikes horns. "FUCKING STOP DUDE." Mike swatted, "oh damn." Jayden mumbled. "Quiet Jayden." Barkev fumbled his phone, "damnit bark!" Ron plucked his phone.

"I swear to god, stop fucking talking and enjoy the damn car ride." Jerick formed a fist. Everyone went silent and Kobe, Jerick, Jayden, Jimbo and Ron started babbling how shopping is fun. The rest groan and they dozed off, snoring. "Shopping is way expensive but who cares? It's fun!" Jayden lifted his leg, "right? It don't matter!" Jerick nodded. "After ice cream sandwiches, let's go to the mall. All five of us!" Kobe whistled. "Fuck yeah!" Ron smiled hard, "who's paying?" Jimbo hesitated. "Me? Who else?" Kobe pulled out his wallet, "oh it's a shopping spree!" Jayden cheered. "I need more outfits for cosplay!" Jimbo nods, "I need more glasses for my fits." Ron chuckled. "I just want suits or anything that I like." Jayden scratched his neck, "I need more shoes or hoodies.. maybe beanies?" Jerick continued.
"Hmm.. I need more sweaters and want some necklaces." Kobe finished. "Are y'all thinking what I am?" Ron squeed. "Matching necklaces!" They all synced, squirming around. "Okay, necklaces and bracelets?" Jimbo smirked. They nodded quickly, arriving at the house. They all carry the others inside the house, laying them on the couches. They placed blankets over them and left, dashing out the door. They hopped back in the car, Kobe steering the wheel. Jerick turned on music and blasted it, rolling down the windows. Everyone singed and danced, whistling and humming. It was sunny but windy, so it was nice outside.

"Which store should we go?" Jayden decides, "macys, forever 21, vans or?" Kobe listed. "A new department store opened, maybe we can check there!" Jimbo lighten up. "I heard they sell shiny glasses AND baggy sweaters!" Ron tapped his fingers, "hold on tight bitches we're going." Kobe stomped on the pedal. "I knew Kobe couldn't resist that." Ron whispered to Jimbo, "say that next time when we are shopping next time Jim." He sighed. "I wonder if they sell suits.." Jayden hummed, "we'll see." Jerick tugged on his hoodie. They parked and waltzed in the mall, bolting to the new store. "They do sell suits!!" Jayden held one of the fits, "match me?" Jayden snatched another one. "Absolutely." Ron got distracted by the shiny glasses, grabbing them gently and staring into it.
"LOOK!! BAGGY SWEATERS!!" Kobe hugged it tightly, "it has hair clips AND necklaces AND bracelets!!" Jimbo jumped up and down. "I GOT BEANIES!!" Jerick placing it down in the basket. They checked out and went back home, calling the others about what happened. They ate dinner and went into their rooms, falling asleep. The shopping idiots smile happily because the store had what they needed, they texted each other saying how they would go back to the store tomorrow or on Sunday.

The shopping idiots? Oh yes.
Ice skating? Yup.

Words: 973

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