Reborn {2}

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{~Lin Young's POV~}
When I woke up I was in my bed that I haven't been in for years. I honestly didn't want to get up but I knew that I needed to get lots of things done before the end of June 31st which is when the day of the ZAP begins. So I get up and I check my night stand and see a note.

Dear Lin Young.
My child it's good to see that you have woken up. I have left you three gifts. One is a Space Storage Ability that is very rare in the ZAP therefore I have given you one so you can store all your stuff without worries it has 400 square meter space so enjoy. Two I have given you a AI System. The system will explain its functions to you by itself and after that it will stop communicating with you and you are free to do what you want with the system. And three I have given you a Farming System which will definitely benefit you well in the future and I think you will be very pleased with the things you can buy and create with that very system. Don't worry it will also explain its functions to you as well. I do hope you stay safe and travel well. You Lover is back at his home and still has his memories I suggest you call him and settle your plans now. Hope to not see you soon.

Sincerely: GOD/Father

After reading the note I had tears falling from my eyes. I was so thankful for the gifts he gave me as I knew I could do well in the future with Hao Cheng and I don't have to worry. The only things I must worry about is getting stronger and leveling up my storage space even though GOD has given me a big space already I still want to grow stronger so I don't always have to rely on Hao Cheng to much. Sitting still for a few minutes I decided to see if I can call my systems but first I want to test out my space storage. So I hold my hand out to my lamp sitting on my nightstand I think 'In' and it disappears into my space. Now I know how to control it. I then think 'out' and my lamp is back to sitting on my nightstand. After confirming my space storage I call out to my systems.

Me: "Um?...AI System?" And when I said the name I hear a Ding go off in my head.

[Hello Host I am the AI System given to you from GOD/Father let me explain the functions of this system. When using this system this system allows the host to buy AI personnel. And as in AI they will be like robots so that the other people around them don't get suspicious of your ability's as you have three AI system, Space storage and Farming system. When buying a AI personnel you can buy any kind of AI as long as you have enough System Coins. System coins are used as the currency for the systems when buying something. If you want AI system coins or Farming System coins you have to convert some of your system coins into AIS Coins or FMS Coins. There are different kinds of AI's there are Farmers, cooks, maids, butlers, gardeners, carpenters, caretakers, babysitters, scientists, doctors, etc. But plz do not expect the science AI to know how to fix the ZAP GOD did not allow that so if you do buy a scientist AI all they can do is research poisonous things from plants, animals, and other things. The AI's of this system act like humans but are robots. They can eat, sleep, dance, sing, have sex, reproduce, build, etc. There isn't much of a limit to them you just have to make sure that they are also taken care of like real people as they also do have a soul and have emotions and can cause harm. This is it for the explanation I hope it did you well Host. You have also been Given 50,000 System Coins to start out with. Also to earn more system coins you must complete hidden tasks/missions that will not be told to you therefore you will just have to see when it pops up. Farewell host and good luck.]

And then the voice disappears and a screen pops up in from of my which I can only assume is the AI system shop etc but I dismiss it and think about what the voice said. 'Their like humans, they have souls, emotions, personalities, different qualities and the such. Meaning I do have to treat them well unless they harm. But I treat all those who are good well and those who are bad and scheming, well bad so I don't think that's a problem'. Now time for the Farming system.

Reborn With a AI, Space, and Farming System in the ZAPWhere stories live. Discover now