Meeting Hao Cheng {3}

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{~Lin Young's POV~}
After getting home that day it was already near mid night so I just showered and slept. I had to be well rested to see my love tomorrow.

The Next day June 2nd.

   I woke up at 8:30 to the sound of my doorbell ringing. So i groggily get up and slowly tiredly walk to the door and open it but the person behind it was the one person I've been waiting for all this time. Hao Cheng. My love was standing right in front of me staring down at me eyes full of love and longing never wanting to let go again. Before I could say anything strong arms rapped around my small waist and lower back and pulled me into a hard warm chest. I has to bend my arms resting my hands against his chest. As I look up to ask something the next thing I know are warm lips roughy smash against mine. Dominating me as if telling me I'm all theirs and no one else's. As I begin to try to squirm away the arms around my waist hug me tighter so I could squirm away anymore. The tighter they got the more I'm forced to bend back to keep up with him. He suddenly lets my lips go. Swollen from his rough kiss as he bites my lips hungrily he said in a rough and deep voice.

Hao Cheng: "Be obedient... and open your mouth". Hs said in my ear. Sending a shiver down my spine.

  I obediently open my mouth hesitantly but before I can rethink my decision, rough lips land on mine once again and this time forcefully thrust their tongue into my mouth. Rolling his tongue with my own sucking on it. I moan lightly in his mouth at the pleasure he's giving me. I couldn't push him away so instead I wrap my small arms around his strong neck and hug him deepening the kiss more then it already was. Though I was running out of break I tried my best to breath through my nose as I didn't want this sweet moment to end. If felt like forever since we last seen each other and been in each others arms. After a whole 20 minutes we finally broke apart. He grabs both sides of my face and brings out foreheads together and looks into my eyes and smiles softly and says.

Hao Cheng: "I've missed you so much. I spent 10 whole years without you in that world and I refuse to go back to a world like that were your not in it. If you not in it then I don't want to be in it either. Because nothing is the same without you by my side Lin Young. So will you do my the honor of being my wife. I know this might not be the moment but I can't wait I want you to know that you are mine and mine alone. Anyone who tries taking you from me with be brought down to hell with me and will suffer my rath." He said all of this in a serious tone.

   My heart went soft when he proposed to me once again. The only thing I could say at this moment was...

Me: "YES!" I exclaimed excitedly and I happily jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He picked me up and walked back to the house closing and locking the door behind him.

       After calming down we sat down together on the couch and began to talk. As we talked I finally got a good look at my man and what he looked like before the ZAP. He has clear soft skin with no dirt. Beautiful deep but light crystal blue eyes that shine even at night. And has strong muscular body well build from his training in the army and after 10 years. I still feel so guilty leaving him all alone for 10 years no by his side. I didn't want to leave him for a second. He knows that wherever he goes I go and wherever I go he goes. And are two peas in a pod but we are like bees and sunflowers. I'm the sunflower that is attracting the handsome bee to my nectar nest of sweetness.
{Author Notes: I know is cheesy lol 😂}

Hao Cheng: "Now tell me what you've been doing love?" He said taking his coat off and laying in on the back of the white leather couch, resting his arms over my shoulders.

Me: "Well I have over 5billion yuan in my account but i recently just bought two off road Land Rover cars for travel as they have a lot of space and are quite good. I then went to the black market which is on the hidden 6th floor of Zou Mall. I bought weapons and I bought some pets that will be useful in the future".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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