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Yosuke's POV:

"YU!" I yell, reaching out to him.

He swallows hard, blinking rapidly.

I feel my eyes go wet as I touch him, but... He doesn't scream or shout, or kneel over in pain.

He just... Blinks.

"Y-Yu?" I croak.

"I'm... Fine, Yosuke..." He mutters, slowly pulling his hands away from his chest.

There's no cut. No blood, no mark.

Just the shock of it.

I quickly turn around to where his Shadow had been, but it's gone.

"I think it's pretty funny," Giichi chuckles, swinging an arm around me. "How your mind can play tricks on you like that."

I feel my blood boil. "You fucking bastard!" I yell, aiming my fist for him.

But he grabs it, holding my hand. "Come on, Yosuke. You know I couldn't hurt him. I couldn't do that to you."

"You better leave right now if you know what's best for you," Yu grunts.

"That so?" Giichi smirks.

"You're a sick fucker."

Giichi ignores him, turning back to me. "Did you really think I could just... let you go, Yosuke? Why did you leave?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Yu snaps. "He doesn't want to be your fucking prisoner."

I shake Giichi off my shoulders, standing in front of Yu, protecting him.

"That's sweet," he smiles, stepping closer.

"Back off, man," I mumble.

"Yosuke, it's me," he smiles, pressing his hands to my cheeks.

"...Let me go."


"Didn't you fucking hear him!?" Yu yells, coming between us and pushing Giichi to the ground.

"Oh, you'll regret that, Narukami." He regains his balance, sending his Persona flying in Yu's direction.


Jiraya swoops in to protect him, reflecting Giichi's attack.

"Bastard," he whispers, steading himself.

"Stay the fuck away from him," I yell.

"I see," he snorts. "So, this is your decision, is it?"

"Decision?" Yu frowns.

"You want your freedom, Yosuke? It's all yours."


"Narukami and the others are my property, now," he says. "So, you be on your way."

"To hell with that!" I yell.

"Yosuke, what the hell is going on?"

"Unless you'd like to change your mind once more?" Giichi shrugs.

"You're a real bastard, you know that?" I scoff.

"I'm just logical."

"You touch my friends, and you're dead, quick," Yu says. "You touch Yosuke, and you're dead. Limb by limb."

"Is that a threat?" He smirks.

"And it's not empty."

"Giichi, please," I groan. "Stop it, man. I can forgive you. We all can. Just... come back with us. Please."

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