Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

     I pull my luggage behind me with a slight skip to my step, the plane isn’t loading for another hour but we still have to get through security. I look over my shoulder and spot Tanner on the phone as he carries my small backpack over his shoulder. A smile spreads on his face as he talks to someone over the phone. I shrug and follow Sammie quickly. I spot Hailey a little bit ahead waving excitedly to us. I smile at her as we stop by her, I look as Tanner slowly follows. He says goodbye into the phone before putting it in his pocket.

     “Who was that?” I ask, he just shrugs. I raise my eyebrow at him but my attention is quickly pulled towards Hailey bursting of energy as we move towards security check. I turn towards Tanner as Hailey moves through the metal detector, he smiles down at me before leaning down and planting his soft lips on mine.

     I smile as he pulls me into a hug, “I’ll miss you” he whispers into my ear.

     “I’ll only be gone for a week” I tell him, “but I’ll miss you too” I pull back and peck his lips before turning towards the security check and walking through.

     My foot taps slightly as Hailey tries to get a cab, I lean against Sammie and she sighs. “Why couldn’t we have just taken one of the buses?” she asks with a slightly irritated tone.

     “Cause,” Hailey says turning back to look at us “they are gross, and stuffy, and you get squished in with strangers” she looks disgusted before looking back at the road.

     “Like a cab is any better” Sammie mutters, she looks towards the left road and I follow her look to a fancy black car driving towards us.

     “That car’s familiar” I whisper to her.

     She nods “I’m pretty sure it’s the same car that the Beta uses,” she shrugs “I’m sure it’s popular in California too.” She says when the car stops in front of the three of us.

     Hailey looks at the fancy car with awe in her eyes, “that is a sweet car” she exclaims.

     I watch as a man steps out from the car, his dark hair almost matching the car. He turns and my breath catches at the sight of his amber colored eyes, the beta smiles at us and walks towards Sammie and I. He flashes a smile at Hailey who swoons at him before following him towards us.

     He stops in front of us and flashes his million-dollar-smile at the two of us. But his eyes don’t leave mine. Hailey stands by my side and stares up at him.

     “Ben told me a few of his will be in town,” he looks at Sammie for a second before his eyes return to me. “I thought it would be best if I spared you from public transportation, it’s quite filthy” his voice has a slight European accent, but it’s not as thick, probably from years of being in America.

     Hailey smiles as he motions for us to head toward his sleek car, Sammie moves first as I am enticed by his eyes. I peel mine from him before following Hailey. We slide into the back seat and he moves around the front to get in the driver’s seat.

     As we drive I keep my eyes from his, I look at Sammie and see similar confusion in her eyes. All the while Hailey talks to the Beta while sneaking in a few flirts as well. He entertains her flirting but doesn’t show any real interest in her.

     “So Be…” I start to say his title before Sammie nods towards Hailey who smiles at Beta. I stop and try to remember his actual name. Sammie mouths it for me and I flash her a thankful smile. “So, Nathaniel” I start “I didn’t know you lived in California.” I didn’t, no one really knows where the Harris Pack lives, and they are traveling so much it’s hard to pinpoint where it is exactly.

     “I’m not here all the time” his deep velvety voice says while he glances up in the rearview mirror and locks his eyes with mine, I quickly stare out the front window and at the car in front of us. “I own a condo on the beach, I stay there when I’m in the town” I nod my head.

     I feel relief as we pull up to the hotel, Hailey lets out a disappointed sigh and I stifle a laugh as we get out of the car. Nathaniel rolls the window closest to us down and leans over. I’m closest so I give him a small smile and say “thank you.”

     He nods and flashes a half smile at me “I’m pleased to have assisted you, I can’t wait to see you again” I stare at him as he rolls the dark window back up and drives off. I stare for a while before shaking my head and turning back to the others.

     We rush into the hotel, I follow behind them as we get to our room. I quickly rush ahead as Hailey uses the key card to open the door. I toss my backpack onto the bed closest to the window and releasing my suitcase flop onto my back.

     It bounces slightly as I hit it and I smile at the softness of it. I stare up at the ceiling while Hailey throws herself on her bed and lets out a long yawn.

     What did he mean by ‘I can’t wait to see you again’? I don’t think we’ll be running into each other often, hopefully never again. He’s intimidating, and he seems to look at me a lot. It’s really weird. I just hope I don’t have to see him any more than I already have.

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