Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

     I push the covers off of me and see Sammie rushing around the room. She spots my waking form and waves, “morning,” she says with a smile. It’s our fourth day here and we’ve been busy doing a lot the past few days, we only have 2 full days left counting today.

     I sit up completely and watch her brush through her dark hair. She sets her brush down and twists her hair into a tight bun on the top of her head. She spins towards me and smiles, “better get ready,” she tells me “we’re heading out in an hour or so.” I nod and rush to the bathroom.

     When I finish getting ready I follow behind Hailey, whose short blonde hair is curled, with Sammie just a step behind me. “So Hailey,” I say as we enter the elevator “what are we doing today?”

     Hailey smiles “heading to the beach after breakfast,” she leans against the wall as the elevator begins to go down, “then probably come back here and get ready to enter the California night life.” I sigh and roll my eyes.

     “Clubbing” I say “I should have guessed.” I smirk at her as she sticks her tongue out at me.

     “Hey,” she says “you two may have boyfriends, but I don’t and I’m on the hunt.” She smiles deviously when the door opens and we start our day out.

     I jump onto my bed after dropping the bags Hailey made me carry, only about 2 of them were actually mine. “So many clothes” I groan as Hailey shakes her head and sets her purse on her bed.

     My feet are sore and I’m happy I get two hours to rest before we head to the club Hailey says is supposed to be to die for. Her cousin Jaycee works there and will pick us up and get us in. I pull my sandals off and sigh, I run my hand through my hair and see Hailey heading to the showers. Sammie sits on her bed and pulls her phone out.

     “Calling Wayne?” she nods and presses a button. “Speed-dial” I laugh. She glares her brown eyes at me before she smiles at the sound of her mates sound.

     I roll my eyes before shutting them. “Hey!” she shouts at me pulling me from my short rest “Tanner is dying without you and needs you to call him,” I raise my eyebrow at her “fine, I may have been exaggerating, but Wayne says Tanner misses you a lot.” I nod my head and get up, I head to the hallway and pull my phone out.

     It rings three times before he picks up, I smile as he speaks into the phone “Hey” I picture him smiling on the other end.

     “Hi,” I say “how’s it going back home?”

     “Fine, I guess” I imagine how he is moving while he talks into the phone “I miss you though,” I nod my head.

     “I miss you too,” I smile softly while leaning against the wall, “what have you been doing?”

     He pauses for a moment “not much,” I purse my lips, it doesn’t sound like he’s telling the complete truth. But I let it go as he speaks “how is your vacation?”

     I smile widely while I begin to tell him everything from the past days, I haven’t really talked to him much. Only on the second day and today, I had tried yesterday but he didn’t pick up the phone.

     “That’s awesome” he says with a smile “no guys have been hitting on you have they?” I smile but it falls away immediately.

     I remember Nathaniel on the first day, I don’t think he was hitting on me but he was definitely giving me a weird look. But I just tell Tanner what will make him happiest “no way man, I bought this button that says ‘touch and my big bad wolf boyfriend will eat you.” I hear his laugh fill my ears. My heart quickens at the sound, I miss him so much.

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