chapter 1

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A/N: before I start I have to let you know its my first time writing a story. it could take a while to finish this ok
enjoy the story

[aether pov]:
It has been a while since I've last spent my time with my friends and sibling. summer is coming and I thought of taking them all to the beach because of the beautiful weather that's being announced at the news in the morning. I took a sip of my juice and prepared my backpack for the last day of college. I woke up Lumine and made breakfast. "Morning Aether!" she yawned "Morning, is there something you specifically want to eat?" "Hmm, not really, make whatever you wish brother"
I made some toast with jam on it and a cup of tea for each of us. Our parents were at work and being the boy here as father says I had to take care of my sister. We took our things for college and met up with our friends, Ayaka and Venti. "Hi!!", Venti waved to us two as we walked to them. "Hey guys" I said. Lumine hugged Ayaka and Venti and we all walked to the bus to go to the place we had to for the last time before a huge holiday. We arrived and went in our class. "so, have you three decided what we should do this summer?" "come to think of it not really, Ayaka replied. we haven't spent time togheter for a while being busy with our work" "yeah! that's what I was thinking too! maybe we should go somewhere" said Venti. "Sounds good, do you have any ideas brother?" "Actually yes, I've been thinking about a place we could go this summer to spent time at; a beach. we can borrow our parents' vacation house, I'm sure they will agree" "Great idea!!!" shouted Lumine as the bell rang for the classes to start. "Let's meet up at lunch, okay? asked Ayaka". We all said yes.

some classes after

"I've talked with mom and she said she agrees we can go there! I'm so excited!!" said Lumine "how did you even manage to convince them" I said, "well with my skills I can do anything" she winked at me. "That's awesome guys, but can I ask something?" said Venti pretty nervously. "Of course dummy, what is it?" asked Ayaka, "Well, I have a friend and he isn't very good at expressing himself, I was thinking we could take him with us too because he wouldn't be lonely the whole summer...can he come with us pleaseee?". "Sure, I hope we can become friends with him as soon as possible", I said. "Great! I'm going to tell him about it! thank you!" "no problem" Ayaka, Lumine and me replied.

the next day

[Venti pov]:
"Please Xiao, do it for me!" "No is no, Venti. I've already said I don't want to go" "But you'll make lots of friends there and it'll be fun! and there's also a pretty boy you can chat with~" "Alright fine, but it's the last time I'll accept something that gets out of your mouth."

[aether pov]:
"I put the toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, shower gel and soap. what else do i need to take for my hygiene? hmm maybe nothing". I was packing my bag with things I needed in that long trip. I've assured my parents that I'll take care of my sister and we won't drink or do something bad that could affect us all. I found some clothes in my closet and stuffed them in the bag. I made myself comfortable in my shorts and shirt as always and looked at the ceiling. "I wonder how is this boy that Venti mentioned, eh, I'll see by tomorrow." I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
In the morning I was surprised to see my sister was awake at 6 AM. "what're you doing?" I asked "I'm getting ready for the trip, we should leave early since its going to take a while to get to our destination" she replied. "aha, do you want anything from the store? I'll go to get some snacks and groceries for us" "Uh, maybe a bag of the chips I like, please" "Okay"
I made my way down the stairs and went out. It was sunny as expected and warm so I didn't need to put on anything too thick on me but I had a hoodie on anyway. Arrived at the store I took a cart and put the things I had on the list mom gave me, it was huge if you ask me. I made it back home and put the groceries on the table in the kitchen. I took a shower, brushed my hair, put on clothes for the trip, got my back and went downstairs. "Don't make too much noise at night and NO drinking." "I know dad, you've told me this alot of times" "I'm sorry son I just want to protect you" "it's okay, I know you care about me". I kissed my parents cheeks and went in the car to the driver's seat, waiting for Lumine. She came and we went to our friends' homes. We picked up them both and Venti lead us to the boy's house. He got in the car. I blushed a bit looking at him. he looked really cool and...kind

"Guys, I present to you Xiao! Xiao, these are Aether, Ayaka and Lumine!" we all said hello to him. Lumine helped him put his bag in the back of the car and after we were all set, we started our trip to the beach.

A/N: this is chapter 1 from the story. took me 950 words but I think it's going to be deserved. if you've enjoyed the chapter please share this tiny silly story to your friends, family and even grandparents /j

hope you have a good day/night! <3

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