Chapter 2

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I'm on the Hogwarts Express with Ginny Luna and Neville. Seamus and Dean left 10 minutes ago for some reason. The sky outside is a dark dreary grey and I'm patting taco my kitty cat. She loves being patted under the chin and purrs constantly but now even she knows nothing is going to be the same. I love my Dad and all but I don't think he should be headmaster. Yeah that's right Severus Snape is my Dad. Well actually It's Sirius Black and James Potter is my godfather but Snape's been my Dad for years. Now I just call him Snape. The train comes to a stop as the dementors come in for the third time. I start screaming and shaking instantly. My mind goes fuzzy as they suck everything out of me. They finally leave after 20 minutes of fun sucking. I climb on my seat shaking while Ginny scoots closer to me "You know Hogwarts is a school for dark ats now right?" She asks "I heard dad sending his patronus to you-know-who the other day. Making plans. He's not my Dad now." I replied she nodded and looked down at her hands. We spend the rest of the train ride in silence. We reach Hogwarts and we are 'greeted' by death eaters. My first greeting is a large burn down the side of my face which starts to bubble and change coulour rapidly. My next is a black eye and then I'm free to enter the building. This is going to be a long hard year...

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