1 - Encounter

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I was on my phone when the stoplight told me to walk. I crossed the street, but there was a horn that was screaming at me. What the hell? The sign told me to walk. Why was someone honking at me? Already a quarter across, something clutched my collar and yanked me back on the sidewalk, then the car that was honking sped by. My shoulders were being tightly clasped onto and I was turned to the face of my savior. He was beautiful and pale with dark hair and bangs in his eyes, but he looked pissed.

???: Piss off!!

The gorgeous man yelled at the car that almost hit me.

???: What the fuck are you doing?! You could have been hit! Are you blind?!

He shouted at me next. Now he's mad at me for not seeing the car in time? Well, I was on my phone... I bowed to him; his aggressive voice was already scaring me.

You: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to cause you any trouble! I-I can make it up to you! I'll do a-anything you want and we can pretend l-like this never happened!

The man stopped for a moment. My proposal was unexpected.

???: Anything?

You: Yes, sir, anything!

He thought about it for a second, then bent down to me to meet my eye level.

???: Be my servant.

You: What?

???: I saved your life. You want to give me whatever you have. I want your service. You have no choice, kitten.

You: Please don't call me that.

???: You belong to me now. I can call whatever I want.

I swallowed in discomfort. He said he wanted my service. Did he mean my body? I really didn't want to give my virginity over to some stranger that saved my life on the street. That was a mistake on my part. I was scared. I didn't know what to do.

???: Do you have a name, kitten?

You: M-My name is Evelynn Stein.

The man smirked in amusement. What about my name was amusing? Maybe he smirked at my stuttering. I think that he could smell fear.

You: I'm sorry, sir, but what's so funny?

???: Such a sweet name. I wonder if you live up to it.

What did he mean by that?

You: And you are...?

???: Min Yoongi. I'll send a couple men to pick you up—you start first thing tomorrow.

You: Sir, I have school tomorrow. I'm a college student.

This man, Min Yoongi, gave a displeased look that was unsettling.

Yoongi: When are your school hours?

You: It takes up most of my day. I'm only free at night.

Yoongi: I said "when," which means a direct time, not a time of day.

You: Try 6pm!

I freaked out.

Yoongi: 5.

You: 5:30.

Yoongi: 5:30 to 11, that gives you 5 and half hours. Since you're a college student, I thought you wouldn't mind a late shift.

I actually did mind 'cause now he wasn't giving me time to myself, but I didn't have the guts to say it to his face. I was already scared of bad reactions, but I was more terrified of Yoongi's bad reactions. If I was going to work for him, then maybe I should try to avoid making him mad as much as I can.

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