Part 1

332 10 11

Warnings- kidnapping

High Valley Gardens was always quiet and pure, thanks to its wideness and vegetation. The park had many pathways lined with colorful flowers and well-groomed grass. The most important thing to Y/n was the park being shaded with many tall trees, sheltering families from the dry California heat. Most of the benches around the park were usually occupied during the early afternoon as parents watched their children play on the colorful play structure.

Y/n was situated on a blue picnic blanket, reading a book, and her three younger siblings played tag with other children. Her e/c eyes left the page when she heard one of her sisters yelp in pain.

Sitting in the wood chips was her youngest sister holding her knee and tearfully shouting at their brother, who looked annoyed. The other sister observed the scene, not bothering to get involved. "This is your fault, Isaiah!" the youngest, Amber, screamed. "What did I even do?" Isaiah roared back.

Sighing tiredly, Y/n set her book down and walked toward the pair. Her brown boots cracking the wooden chips as she approached. "What happened?" she asked, kneeling to get a better look at the scraped knee.

Amber wiped her nose with her jacket sleeve before exclaiming, "Isaiah pushed me!"

"No, I didn't! It wasn't even that hard. She was slow and just being a baby." their brother huffed, crossing his arms defensively before looking at the other sister, Wendy. "I only did this." Isaiah demonstrated by lightly pressing against Wendy's shoulder, who leaned to the side, off-balanced.

The (h/c)ette shook her head before addressing her 'injured' eleven-year-old sister. She rolled up Amber's pant leg to get a better look, noticing the scraped knee. "You're alright. It's not bleeding." Y/n stood up, turning toward the other two, "Either you be nice, or we're going home."

Both siblings looked at her in dismay. "No!" "What did I do?" Wendy exclaimed, looking as if she'd break out into tears.

Instead of answering them, Y/n returned to the blanket underneath the shade. She smirked when the three kids got together to discuss a new game. 'That's more like it,' she thought. 'Now might be a good time to do my assignment for Music Appreciation.' She lay down on the fabric and closed her eyes, listening to the sounds of nature.

Birds were chirping for their mates to return with food, children were laughing and screaming, parents were talking to other parents, and dogs were barking as they pulled their owners along. A new sound emerged from the peace, a mechanical hiss, and clank.

Curious, Y/n rolled over onto her stomach, mindful of the water bottles and food, to investigate the sound. E/c eyes widen at the unfamiliar sight. A strange cable with a pincher-like end in dark navy coloring with bright purple lights along the sides lay in the grass. It trailed from the trimmed grass toward the large expanse of oak trees. Whatever it was, it was extremely out of place. She was aware of the construction near the park, but no building materials would look like this. It was almost alien.

Her eyes drifted away from the cable toward the other families. No one seemed to notice the strange object or even acknowledge their surroundings. She then looked toward the playground, seeing her three siblings chasing another group of kids. 'Does no one see this?' she questioned. Cautiously, she brushed off the grass on her black shirt and started walking toward the mysterious cord. The closer she got to it, the more it seemed that the lights were 'pulsing?' Y/n wondered as she knelt beside it.

Now that she had a closer look, this thing was immense, thicker than her arms stacked together. The neon purple lights were, indeed, pulsing. 'If this is the end, then where is the beginning?' Suddenly uneasy, Y/n followed the cable along her peripheral vision. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a glint. 'What is-'

Unexpectedly, the cable sprang to life with the pincher end 'staring' at her. Y/n jumped up, yelping in fear. The cord, like a serpent, wrapped around her waist, dragging her into the opaque shade. Her cry of terror cut off once she disappeared from the sunlight.

Y/n twisted against the tightening grip, trying to wrangle her hands free. In the process, the f/c flannel-patterned jacket tore away from her arms, leaving it lying in the leaf litter. Her panic increased as she felt lifted off the ground. Her grunts and cries of frustration died in her throat at was she saw.

Here she was, dangling in front of an eight-meter-tall robot with a black screen for a face. It was black and purple, with several cables protruding from its back. Y/n was frozen in horror as she continued to stare in shock.

Suddenly, the black visor making up its face showed a smiley face before morphing into a heart. A distorted voice broke through the petrified silence, "Designation: Soundwave. Mission: You."

Before Y/n could fully comprehend what was happening, the giant robot roughly shoved her inside an open compartment located in its chest. Quickly, she whipped around to watch in horror as the front panels slid closed. "Wait!" she cried, slamming her body against the metal door. Y/n hissed in pain and held her shoulder before resulting in trying to kick it down. Her boots echoed in the small environment as she put all her will into her bashes. When nothing happened, Y/n collapsed onto the floor, tears brimming in her eyes. Coming to the conclusion that she was trapped, Y/n glanced around her, observing her surroundings.

The containment was small, with not enough headroom to walk upright. The space only allowed for crawling and sitting up. It was dark, but small purple lines gave it a dreary feeling. Y/n brushed her hand against the nearest wall, expecting it to be solid metal, but was surprised to find it cushioned, like memory foam. Curious, she pushed her hand into it, leaving an imprint for a few moments. The walls did not appear to have cracks or seams that suggested to be fabricated by anything other than moderately synthetic material. 'Am I even safe in here?' she wondered. 'How long will my oxygen last? When will he, guessing it's a he, let me out?' She looked away from the opening and gasped at the dark narrow passage. 'It looks like it goes all the way back there.'

Unexpectedly, everything around her shifted, and the small area got smaller. The passageway was closed off, and Y/n was pressed into the soft walls with her knees against her chest. The sound of an engine started up before an intense pressure wracked her body, almost suffocating her. It was hard to inhale, and Y/n thought she might faint, but suddenly the force was relieved. She gasped, coughing as her lungs expelled the excessive amount of carbon dioxide and struggled to get oxygen. Just went she thought it was over, a sudden sickness and a throbbing headache took hold. 'Motion sickness. But that only happens when I travel.' she reasoned, laying down to ease her nausea. Maybe it was the lack of oxygen or the sickness, but the thought of sleep was welcoming. Without fighting it, Y/n closed her eyes and hoped that it would come to an end.

Captured Lullaby (Soundwave x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें