Part 2

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A heavy thud jolted Y/n wake, causing her to become disoriented and frantic. Her heart was pounding wildly against her ribcage as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. It was hard to fill her lungs, and her panic increased her dizzyness and ailment. The heavy beats continued, and she seemed to sway like gently rocking in a hammock. This being, Soundwave, was going somewhere, and rather quickly, almost like he was trying to be undetected. The heavy movements paused, and she heard a hiss and panels sliding away. Thinking it was the entrance of her containment, she scrambled forward and threw her body against the doors. Y/n's hopes evaporated when they didn't budge, and the thuds and swaying resumed. It was only a couple more steps until everything remained still. The 19-year-old froze and held her breath, waiting for something to happen.

When nothing of interest occurred besides the sound of someone typing on a keyboard, Y/n released her pent-up air before glancing warily at the reopened passageway. It seemed childish, but she had the fearful idea of something lurking in the darkness, the dread of the unknown. She swallowed, as much as her dry throat would allow her, and began to crawl, following the small purple lights lining the walls.

As she continued to venture further, it all felt the same. Y/n questioned if she was going in circles as she stopped for a break. To test her theory, Y/n removed her f/c and gold watch from her wrist and laid it down. Once again, the female continued her investigation. During Y/n's exploration, a steady rhythm was all around her, more so in one specific area. It sounded similar to that of a heartbeat. To think that a giant metalloid creature would have a beating life force.

Coming back around, Y/n saw her f/c watch right away from the colors standing out amongst the dark navy. Sighing, she fastened the accessory on her wrist before crawling back toward the entrance. The female suddenly stopped and stared in disbelief at the opened entry. Warily, she crept toward the opening, peeking her head out.

The first thing that greeted her were three large screens with an alien language scrolling in long texts. Below the screens was an odd-looking keyboard with an assortment of keys. Two familiar-looking appendages were attached to the technology, downloading the data. A soft gasp escaped Y/n's lips as she flitted away from a long dark digit. It stopped at the beginning of the opening and presented a small bag dangling from it. Confused, the human approached the offering and removed it from the finger. The panels closed once the digit retreated and left Y/n to examine the bag's contents. Inside was her blue-fannel patterned throw-over jacket, which she quickly removed and searched the pockets for her phone. Y/n vocalized a loud annoyed groan, 'Of course it's gone.' before slipping the clothing on. Besides her jacket, two bottles of water, a couple of snacks, and last week's edition newspaper were in the gift bag. Her stomach twisted in hunger and her mouth was dry that Y/n greedily tore into a peanut bar and downed half the water. She wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her jacket, looking toward the recently open panels. "Thank you," she expressed. There was no response, but Y/n was sure that he understood her.


Y/n sighed for the millionth time, messing with her jacket buttons by buttoning them and undoing them to repeat the process. Her e/c eyes briefly glanced at her watch. It's been three days since her abduction. Yesterday, her short food supply had run out, but Soundwave presented Y/n with another assortment of snacks and an outdated newspaper. After her first night, he gifted her a pillow and a small blanket. While the puzzles and funny comic strips were entertaining, the 19-year-old had nothing to distract herself from besides crawling around for hours looking for an escape. If this cycle repeated, Y/n was confident that she would go crazy soon. To worsen her condition, she had no means of relieving herself and opted to use a far back area after soiling herself. Old magazine clips and newspaper had become her version of toilet paper. It made her fear her approaching time of month. 'You never usually hear about this side of the story,' Y/n thought bitterly. This was her life, and it wasn't pretty.

Throughout her day, Y/n had kept track of Soundwave's routine: wake up at 6 am, walk somewhere and stay for 10 minutes, start walking again to work til 5 pm, walk back to wait another 10 minutes before returning to his room, and work late at night. Y/n wasn't sure when he slept because she would sleep at 9 or 10 pm. This was the same routine every day. 'For an alien, he likes to keep to schedule,' Y/n observed. However, today's schedule held a different plan. After his ten-minute break, Soundwave took a different route than usual. Y/n caught wind of this due to the shorter distance. A void opening sounded just beyond her confines, and the walking movements started again before halting after a few steps.

In what felt like years, Soundwave's panels brought a flood of sunlight inside. It was blinding, and Y/n's eyes stung as she quickly screwed them shut. Tears pooled underneath her eyelid and collected on her long eyelashes. As her eyes tried to adjust, Y/n heard birds singing, the roar of rushing water, and wind twisting through trees. 'Did I die?' Y/n questioned. Once her e/c eyes were fully open, she stuck her head out to view the world.

It was a meadow that looked like one from a storybook. The grass was a healthy shade of jade and thigh-high as it danced in the breeze. The mountains in the distance had jagged peaks like teeth. A thin blue ribbon of a river ran through the center of the meadow. It was paradise. Too busy observing the view, Y/n didn't notice the flat palm underneath her until it came up higher. Knowing it was an invitation, Y/n hesitantly climbed out of her prison and onto the waiting hand. Soundwave knelt and opened his servo onto the grass. Not wanting to question the sudden change, the female leaped off and ran.

Y/n ran toward the river, laughing in delight before rolling down the grassy slope. She didn't care how her alien captor looked at her strangely or questioned what she was doing. A party of yolk-yellow ducklings scattered from under her feet when she approached, crashing into the water. The river's song was very gentle, tinkling over the gravel bed. Y/n dipped her hands into the cool water, splashing it onto her face. She then began rinsing her h/l h/c hair and combing it with her fingers, wincing when they snagged on a knot. Interested and calmed after their scare, the ducklings returned and pooled around her ankles. Y/n cooed at the four before they swam after their calling mother.

Decided that she finished, once her feet numb, Y/n climbed out of the river and onto the grassy floor. A snap of a twig caused her head to swirl toward the expanse of fir trees. She witnessed a flash of steel gray before a wolf head emerged from the thrush. She gasped before instinctively stepping back. Y/n had always admired wolves when she was young, but to see one in person was breathtaking and terrifying. She held her breath as its large body appeared and stared at her with golden eyes. The canine sniffed the air before striding off in a different path. Once its bushy tail disappeared, Y/n began to pant heavily, running her fingers through her hair.

Surprisingly soft thuds sounded behind her, and Y/n looked back at the alien. "Wasn't that cool?" she asked. Soundwave's helm tilted to the side. "The wolf," she explained, "They're just so cool. I've always loved them." The visor looked to where the animal had left, then back toward her. He knelt and presented his servo to her again. At ease, Y/n climbed on without a second thought. Her comfort vanished when it stopped at his chest paneling. "I'm not going back in there," she stated. Not listening to her, the panels slid away and tossed her inside. Y/n landed face first, grunting before wheeling around to slam her fists against the metal. "Not again!" The void opened again, and Soundwave walked on, ignoring his pet's pleas and cries.

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