Chapter 1

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The shower was cold. The next day, I would be going to the new boarding school - just thinking about it made me shiver. I've always hated meeting new people, and now was no different. It made me sick to my stomach on top of the pain inside of me from not eating all day. I was terrified. But frankly, I had no other choice and I could only go here. My parents had paid already for this tuition and can't take care of me right now. They're constantly at work for business trips or such to pay off our debt along with these expensive tuition fees. I stepped out the shower, gently drying myself off with my towel.

I laid in bed that night barely able to sleep. Surely I had forgotten something? Did I pack everything? Was everything going to be okay? I knew that worrying so much would only make me exhausted the next day, but I really couldn't help it. I ended up not being able to sleep for hours on end, really. By the time I woke up to my alarm that morning, I remember feeling so tired. My eyes were slightly puffy from crying, and I felt even more self-conscious that I had done before. I desperately hoped nobody would notice.

After getting ready, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to a man who smiled at me, greeting me. He seemed about 6'0 or even more, dressed in a suit.
« Hello, I'm Lawrence, you must be Evie? are you ready to go? I've been sent to pick you up and drop you off. I work with the college's safeguarding system for your safety and wellbeing. » He spoke softly, in a rough yet gentle manner. I simply nodded, feeling too shy to speak and not wanting to seem rude. He held out his hand. Hesitantly, I accepted and took his hand in mine. His hand was warm and a little rough like sandpaper, but comforting.

He took me into a car after showing me all of his legal credentials as proof that he wasn't just kidnapping me. We both sat in the back as he gestured the driver to begin the journey. There was piano music filling the car as we drove through the countryside, and I was beginning to get really tired after not sleeping much the previous night.
« The drive may be quite long for you, it's alright if you have a little nap. We will let you know once we're there, okay? » I nodded but secretly didn't want to sleep. I didn't really feel comfortable falling asleep in front of two strangers that I had only met mere moments ago. I rested my head on the window, concentrating on the vibrations I could feel through the car's engine and the occasional cough or so. The dotted lines on the road slowly began to merge into one. Every moment, I could feel my eyes getting heavier, and heavier before giving in. A few minutes of shut-eye wouldn't hurt.

Soon, I heard the car pull up on the driveway and rubbed my eyes as I began to wake up. Blearily, I peeked out the window to see a massive campus. It almost looked like a palace: filled with delicate arched that loomed over my head and floral vegetation, iced along every terrace and balcony. It was beautifully breathtaking. The more I gazed in awe, the more I realised how big this place really was. Each building was carefully craved from bricks and decorated generously with varieties of statues, golden trims, and elegantly latticed windows. Snapping out of my trance, the man guided me to step out the car into the courtyard. Lawrence walked in front of me, leading the way, and carrying my bags kindly.
"I will first lead you to the reception where we can get your bags and belongings sorted," he said, and I meekly nodded in reply. I was still really shy to say anything more, so we mostly walked in silence to the reception office. Often I could understand that he was trying to start a conversation but I could barely make out a proper response, only saying simple one-worded answers at best. I really hoped he didn't view me as ungrateful or impolite. He was clearly trying to get me to talk to fill the silence or get to know me, but had great difficulty due to my shyness. I really did want to say more, but I couldn't bring myself to form the words.

The reception was exactly how I had imagined it to be - large and elegant with a chandelier in the middle of the hall. I stood behind Lawrence as he talked to the receptionist, staring down at my feet or trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible.
"This one is Evie," he said as he stepped aside and uncovered my hiding spot. I felt heat rising in my cheeks and gave a shy wave. "She has been signed up for boarding and is in her first year. Nothing mentioned on her medical records, everything seems to be fine," he began, discussing important adult matters to the receptionist. "I will get her situated in her new dorm, I'll update you later on the progress," he said as he ushered me over to the door on the left, leading to the dormitories.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 18 ⏰

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