Rule No. 4 - a good leader needs none by his side

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~ Tonowari's POV ~
What has been up with Aonung these past few days? Asking to marry a boy? What would the clan think of the next heir marrying a boy by his side. Ronal told me to let him marry who wants to marry. But again how would the clan react, years and years of male and female marriage. Just for this? I told my son I would think about it, I know I've been hard of him but.

It's only because I love him.
~ Aonung's POV ~
Me and Neteyam were hanging out while Lo'ak talked with his father. "Do you think your dad will let it pass" "I hope" "I want you by my side, and we will rule the Metkayina clan together." I gave Neteyam a quick peck on the lips and that lovely smile I'm used to seeing showed bright. I smirked at him and took his hand in mine.
~ Lo'ak's POV ~
"Dad." "Oh hey there buddy what's up?" "Why do you treat me like I'm a failure?." I said my face frowning up. "Sit down with me" I sat down next to dad and he placed a hand on my shoulder pulling me close. "I don't treat you like a failure Lo'ak." "Listen" "back when I was with the you guys call it "sky people". "I was a real disappointment to my family, they didn't even want me born so son-" you don't want me to end up like you?" "Exactly now-" I hugged my dad with all my might. "I see you dad" I said smiling as I got the answer I was searching for. dad did an I see you gesture back.
~ Neteyam's POV ~
My mother and father invited the chiefs kids over to have dinner with us and play for a while. Everyone sat around a camp fire as my mother passed everyone food. Aonung came close to his plate and took a sniff of his food. I saw Aonung's eyes get watery, "oh god" he said as he closed his eyes and pinched his nose shut. "That burns!" "Your supposed to take a whiff and wave the smell towards you Aonung dear" I said only whispering to Aonung, as my parents didn't know about us yet. I looked towards Roxto and he looked like he was gonna pass out. I laughed. Everyone took a bite. Aonung began to pant as he waved a hand infront of his mouth. "Oh fuck!" "Wow panting? Aonung you really have let your guard down?" "Shut up forest boy" I looked to Tsireya and Roxto. Roxto was glugging down a cup of ice water, while kiri comforted him laughing. Tsireya definitely could not handle her spice and look as if she was about to pass out. Roxto started to snap at her trying to get her to focus. "Oh no." Roxto said looking silly. "Reya how many fingers am I holding up?!" Me, Lo'ak, and Kiri laughed hard at the sight. Reya put a cold rag over her head. "Maybe we should move onto games?" I said worried for their health.

We started to play uno, Aonung placed down a + 4 . "Take that forest boy" he said laughing. His laugh was beautiful. I also had a pluck 4 but I decided to let him have this moment. I smiled at him and plucked 4. "Why are you smiling? Are you deceiving me forest boy?" "Oh come on~" Aonung looked at me confused. "I'm not playing any games with you, am I?" "No I suppose not.." Aonung's face became blushed. "You seem so nervous? What's the matter" I said smiling softly at him. "Oh fuck off Neteyam" "We're all third wheeling right now" Kiri said annoyed. after that round was over we decided to play in pairs, and Aonung was really prideful the entire game. "Put this down Aonung" I whispered to him. And he did. "Supposedly there are some smarts in that brain of yours." He laughed. "What's so funny?" I said smiling at him. "Nothinggg" "yea right your giggling your fuckin' ass off" I said jokingly rolling my eyes at him. He shoved me playfully. "Woah enough swearing guys" Kiri said. "Teach us that language you call swearing huh?"
~ Tonowari's POV ~
Ronal says I've been too hard on the kids lately but I think she's wrong, and if Aonung's gonna pass as heir one day he needs to be ready for it. "Tough, fearless, brave. He'll be a leader who needs none by his side." "Everyone needs help and extra hands sometimes dear" "nonsense. I am a leader and no one helps me." "That's because you push everyone away any time someone asked to help you, you say that a good leader needs non by his side. But that's not true, everyone needs help sometimes, even the leaders."
~ Aonung's POV ~
They Sully's taught us all types of curse words. But then Neteyam pulled me to the side to talk to me. "How has everything been at home?" Home. I've barely even been home. "It's been great!" I said smiling. "Your smiling to hard which means your lying." "Ok I haven't even been home barely I've mostly been hanging out with you guys trying to avoid going home.." Neteyam took my hand in his. "Talk to me Aonung." I started spilling everything to him how I felt about, well everything.. Neteyam responded and listened. "Your a great listener." "When it comes to you I can't help but listen Aonung"
~ Neteyam's POV ~
Aonung placed a hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss. We kissed and stopped but I kissed him again. "Oh man do I love kissing you fish lips" "haha just shut up" "make me" I said smirking and Aonung smirked back.
I led Aonung outside behind a palm tree where no one would be able to see us. I closed my eyes and Aonung slid his cold hand down to my stomach near my cloth around my hips causing me to open them back up. Aonung kissed me, leading the kisses down my neck.

"Your so weird Neteyam wanting to do this outside, Lo'ak was right about you being into shit like this" Aonung said his light blue eyes staring right into mine. "Neteyam.." Aonung said humming my name. I let out a groan as he gave me a hickey. I breathed as I was holding my breath the entire time. "That was great." I said breathing slowly. Aonung placed a kiss on my forehead, and said goodbye.
READ THIS!!! Can you guys please give me some ideas on chapters?

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