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Cordelia's pov
I wake in pain as always. I can feel the power of this place just...buzzing. The wolf inside me paces anxiously. A nurse comes in "your next hybrid" they blow witch hazel and wolfsbane in my face making me cough and get weak and I'm stabbed with it as well.

When I'm awoken my brain is shocked and I scream around the mouth guard as they burn the wolfsbane out of me. My wolf comes out and growls wanting to protect me. But I'm weakened and tortured for what feels like forever. It's been 4 years of this. I came home after getting my degree to be a teacher and my mother sent me away.

Derek's pov
I pause "you heard that scream?" Wincing. Scott says "it's like Lydia's...but it feels...different" "we have to go and get Liam from eichen" she says. Yeah they took him to try and lure Scott and I out. I'm still an alpha. Not Scott's, he's one of his own. But we share the pack I guess you can say. I say "we know what they did you you because of theos actions. We can't let that happen to Liam. We need to go and get him and chance it scott" stiles says "no. Bad idea we can't just go in there guns blazing with no plan. It's a suicide mission" he's right. We hear Liam's roar. Pain. "We don't have time for it" I speak. Scott says "he's right we need to do whatever we can and get Liam and get out. That's it." We nod and ready the weapons. I'm paired with Lydia.

"Do you think they could have another banshee?" She asks quietly as we sneak around the place. "It felt how it did when you scream but different as well" I say quietly knocking out a guard. Commotion breaks out and we end up having to fight. We hear a roar. It feels just the same as the scream. I run to it Lydia shouting for me to stop. I stop at a sealed door. "What do you feel?" She asks as I wince. "Pain. There's a lot of it. And a lot of blood as well. It's a girl in here. She's terrified" I read. I tear the door off the hinges. There's a girl. Her strawberry blonde hair covering her. She's chained and her wrists are bleeding along with other parts of her.

"Hey" I say softly and she jumps looking at us shaking and backing away. "Cordie?" Lydia asks in shock. "You know her?" I question. "She's my sister. Cordie it's me Lydia" she says going closer. This makes Cordie unsettled "don't" her voice makes my wolf purr. Weird it's never done that before...ever. I reach for the shackles and she freezes "it's okay...we're not going to hurt you" her eyes meet mine for the first time and my heart stops. My wolf purrs incessantly. I can't tear my eyes off of her. "I'm Derek hale. I'm a friend of Lydia's. Scott's and stiles' too. I'm just going to free you from these and take you home okay?" She nods and I break the chains as I said I would and I ask "can you walk? She shrugs and I help her stand and she tries a few steps but I pick her up easily "relax I have you" she nods and relaxes.

She's my mate. My other half. The Luna to my alpha. She curls herself into my chest and I hear her wolf purr. Wait. She's a wolf too? She nuzzles herself into me and my wolf purrs at her action. We all get out and I see that Scott and malia have Liam. His eyes move to her and my wolf grumbles. "Who is that?" He asks me and she turns "damn Scottie you got big" with a small smile. He looks at her "Cordie?" She nods "hi" stiles says "cordi!" And comes closer and I pull her closer and growl. She's mine. And she's injured. She looks up at me and smiles slightly "it's okay" my wolf and I still don't cower. I put her into my car and strap her In "you're not healing" I point out to her bleeding head and other places.

She chuckles "they've drugged me to the point of not being able to until they want me to so they can start it all over" what? I grab her bleeding hand and sniff the blood. There's traces of witch hazel and a subtle bit of a different type of wolfsbane and...ketamine? I ask "what did they do to you?" She mutters "everything" I tell her "I'm going to get this out of your system okay?" Lydia says "not here we have to go" "well I can't leave it in her system to damage her either" I reply. I ask "breaking something won't help will it?" Trying to keep her awake. "No" she mutters. "Hey, look at me" I urge. She does and she still looks like she's two seconds from passing out. "I'm going to help you" I tell her.

"There is no help for me" she mutters. And passes out her heart slowing. No. I grab her wrist and bite her sucking the toxic shit out of her blood. Her eyes pop open and her eyes are red....different from ours. And I look at her and she's completely healed and looks....beautiful.

They fade back into her blue eyes and my wolf and I calm down seeing she's okay

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They fade back into her blue eyes and my wolf and I calm down seeing she's okay. I hug her to me and say "you alright?" She nods into my shoulder and I get in my car Lydia does too. We drive off and Lydia asks "what was that? Why are you here and not overseas? Wait until mom sees you-" she's cut off "no. Don't take me to mom. I can't go home" she's panicking.

I grab her hand and say "alright that's alright. You don't have to see your mom yet" confused as to why she wouldn't want to. "What? Why not? Come home" Lydia pleases. "Lydia I can't go there because mom is who put me in eichen in the first place" Cordelia reveals. I growl lowly at it. How dare she. "W-what? Mom wouldn't-" "yes she would. And you know it. I was getting ready to travel overseas as a break and to pick up a teaching job when I came back. She found out what I am and....she thought I was the alpha turning people...so she drugged me and as I came to they came in and dragged me out to their truck and next thing I know I was on a table being ripped apart and put together and experimented on in eichen....she visited me and told me she'd only sign me out if they could rid of the monster in me" is her reply. I give her hand a reassuring squeeze.

God I hate her mother. "Cordie....how did she find out?" Lydia asks. "I don't even know. But she knows. She knew. And when getting rid of it didn't work in her favor she stopped visiting and told them to do as they wished. My witch side was locked away until now. But I could still feel it. It was my wolf they had to worry about." She replies. I ask "you're a hybrid? That's...unheard of" and more of a reason to protect her more than ever. "I was born a witch...had powers not that my mother knew but our aunt did and taught me everything. Though I differed from her greatly. I was a kind of witch that's been extinct and when they weren't they were close to it anyways with 1 only ever being born every 1000 years. It's been triple that since the last. They thought the power was lost but it wasn't. She taught me everything I know about what I am. Who I am. I was practicing outside in a clearing like always. Full moons feed into my power more. I didn't know werewolves had made their return. And I had to fight a pack off." She sighs. "They were all alphas and they bit me" she continues.

The alpha pack bit her. That was before they ever made their presence known to beacon hills! "I got away before they could change back and recruit me. Lydia saw the bites and knew I was going to turn or die. With my witch side we thought I was going to die. No one's ever been two things before. But my witch welcomed the wolf and I turned. Scott helped with my transformation." She explains. "She can shift into an actual wolf Derek." Lydia says and I smile her way "my mother and sister had that ability too." "I'm sorry for your loss" she says gently squeezing my hand. I say "it's alright."

Lydia asks me "since she can't go home, Derek can she stay with you at the loft?" A subtle smirk on her lips. She knows there's something between us. I reply "there's plenty of room for you Lia. If you want it, it's yours" her wolf purrs and mine replies to her call "perfect" she says.

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