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Derek's pov
I carry her to the couch and set her down despite not wanting her to leave my arms. Her wolf whimpers at my action. I tell her "it's okay...just for a bit. I need to stop the bleeding" her wolf whimpers again and I wipe the dirt from her cheek "it won't be long" she nuzzles her face into my hand and I reluctantly leave her side.

I get the kit and a voice says "what's up with you and her?" It's Scott. I say "can we do this later? You know...when she's not bleeding and poisoned" walking by him ignoring him and I ask her "you mind letting me see the damage?" She takes her gown off only left in her undergarments and my wolf growls at the males and takes over "get out" and they jump and do except Scott "tell me what's going on" I'm not talking about it with him first. The first person I should be talking about our bond with is her. I growl flashing my red eyes at him and he holds his hands up in surrender and leaves. She takes my hand and I immediately relax "it's okay" she replies. I ask "how do I remove the poison from you...if burning won't help" worried for her. She caresses my bearded cheek making my wolf that was just angry melt and purr. "I'll sleep it off. It's not enough to kill me. Just to hurt and keep me weak" I growl at the thought and I promise her "I won't let anyone hurt you ever again Lia" she sends me a smile "let me clean these atleast" ignoring the girls' stares.

She nods shakily and I tell her "I won't hurt you" and she nods her consent again and I start. I apologize to her for every wince she lets out. But I get done and wrap her wounds for her. I say "let me get you some clothes" she tugs at my hand and shakes her head. I smile her way and feel happiness sprout in my chest knowing she wants me to stay with her. "I won't be long. Promise" Lydia speaks up "put the gown back on we need to shop for some clothes for you anyway" they want me to put her back in her bloody gown? I nod and they leave and I hear the others too

I ask "would you like a shower?" She nods and I take her hand in mine and she doesn't release it she just holds it as I walk her to the bathroom. I walk to my room and give her a pair of boxers and my shirt "you can wear my clothes until they get back" she nods "thank you Derek" "anytime" I say and leave her to it but listen in in case she needs me

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