Prologue-Welcome To The World

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Author's POV:
Today is the day that the little Uzumaki is born, Naruto and Hinata are in the delivery room with Tsunade, Shizune, and a couple of nurses. Hinata is lying on the bed, while Naruto is next to her holding her hand.

"Alright Hinata, Just one more push!" Tsunade said.

And Hinata did that while tightly gripping Naruto's hand. Then, everyone heard a loud cry of a baby. Hinata let out a sigh of relief for her baby was ok.

"It's a girl! And it seems like she has red hair." Tsunade exclaimed cleaning her up.

Naruto cried tears of happiness knowing its a girl and that his baby inherited his mother's hair. He looked at Hinata who is happy as he is that their baby inherited her mother-in-law's hair.

"I'm a father, dattebayo!" Naruto said.

Tsunade started to walk over to Hinata with the now-wrapped bundle. Naruto went to grab her wanting to see her.

"Hand's off!" Tsunade said confusing him. "First the mother should see the child."

She continued walking leaving behind a pouting Naruto. Hinata slightly chuckled since she could tell Naruto is pouting but was happy to see the baby. Hinata took her daughter in her arms and smiled. She had beautiful red hair and three whiskers on each side like Naruto. Naruto went up to her, taking a look at their little one.

"Thank you, Hinata." Naruto said kissing her forehead. "For marrying me and the start of a family."

Hinata smiled at those words and looked back at their daughter. Tsunade smiled at the scene, happy for them.

"What would you like to name her?" Shizune ask.

Naruto and Hinata look at each other and then at their daughter.

"Natsumi, Natsumi Uzumaki." They both said.

Shizune nodded and write her name on the birth certificate. After that, they leave the couple with their parents. After the door closed, Natsumi begin wiggling and open her eyes. They were a pair of majestic light pearl blue eyes.

"They're beautiful..." Hinata said.

"They are." Naruto agreed.

Natsumi went up and touch Hinata's cheek. When she touched it she giggled and cooed at her mother. Hinata smiled and cover her hand with her big one. Suddenly, she yawned, tired from the birth.

"Get some rest, I'll watch over Natsumi." Naruto said carefully taking his daughter out of Hinata's arms.

Hinata nodded then she was out like a light. Naruto sitting on the sofa with Natsumi in his arms who was giggling and went up to touch his face and then giggled and cooed at him. Naruto smiled at his daughter happy to have a family.

"Welcome to the world, Natsumi." Naruto said.

To Be Continued~

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