Chapter 2

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By the time the next weekend had rolled around, Alex had packed up her entire room and had dropped most of her stuff to Macy's apartment. Now that you had found Harry, she wanted to move out as soon as possible, excited to live with her lover. You had been helping her between classes and work, doing most of it together and some just you when she had to go work herself.

You were lucky enough to be able to pick classes in the mornings. You had a full day on Monday's then morning lectures Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday's. It made it easy to pick up work, and you worked every spare minute that wasn't taken up by assignments or the weekends.

You had worked a range of jobs since moving to New York, numerous retail jobs, dog walking, a small stint at an art gallery and your latest and current career, a cafe barista. The money wasn't amazing, and you hardly earned any tips so you were looking for your next source of income.

Alex kept trying to convince you to become a bartender at the bar she works at. She's recently been promoted to Bar manager so she could get you a job easily, and you were considering it. You had this thing about you and Alex having something separate from each other, since you lived together, went to college together, basically did everything together.

But now that her move out weekend had approached, working with her would've been nice, and you'd see her a lot more often. Knowing Alex, she'd still be coming over everyday, but moving in with your significant other had a way of taking up your time.

And you knew it would impact your friendship, a lot of you two spending time together has been incidental because you lived together. Take that away and there'd have to be a lot more planning involved to see each other.

The issue is that Harry just started working there too, and although you had only hung out with him twice, he had already started infecting your mind. You dreamt of him, swore you smelt his cologne through the apartment air, daydreamed about his pink lips and how they'd feel all over your body.

All this before he had even moved in.

Working with him and living with him may be too much time spent together, because you were already going crazy with all the thoughts running through your mind of him. But money was money, and you could hide your attraction towards him for the sake of a higher income which meant you could work less than the impossible hours you're doing now.

You did hope though, that once he moved in your little lust phase would be over.

He probably made messes and didn't clean them up, or left beard hair in the sink after shaving, or maybe he left empty chip packets everywhere and made the couch all crusty with crumbs. Surely something he did would give you the ick, or at least take away some of the fantasy you had about him.

Because so far, that man was perfect. Attractive, kind, funny, nice smelling, hell even the text messages you two had been exchanging to organise moving in and all that had been perfect. He used ':)' instead of emojis, and would sometimes sign off his message with an 'H.' if he was starting a new conversation.

He told jokes, asked about your day, updated you on his day and asked your opinion on things he was planning on moving into your apartment. Apparently him and Mitch, who you had only heard a little about, hadn't properly split all their stuff from when they moved to New York yet.

They were going through the same process you and Alex had only just finished, deciding who keeps what. Harry was asking your opinion to help in their decision making, and you found it adorable.

It had only been a week, yet it felt like you and Harry were already best friends. When you dropped some food off for Alex at her work, which you usually did if you weren't working and she ended up picking up a double shift, you decided to bring Harry some as well.

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