12 (I'm sorry)

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"guys, we have a problem!!!"

"jongseob, hun. it's freaking 7 am right now. I need more sleep!"

"yes, I know. but we have a problem!"

"it's 7 am, you son of a bird"

"ok ok, enough! what's the problem?" intak ask.

"uhm, so..."


"hyung, I'm sorry. I am really sorry. please forgive me"

"Jiung, forgive him. he didn't know all this was going to happen," says theo.


"uhm, so. well, soul will tell you guys"

"what- ok, hm. intak hyung, someone saw you and Jiung hyung kissing at the pool. they even record it. jongseob went online on our Instagram and saw that person send thread about that. they said they're going to post it if we didn't send them 10000 dollar" soul said.

"shit, Jiung hyung going to kill me"

"are they a p1ece or not?"

"sadly, they are."

".... let's find Jiung first" theo said.

"I know where to find him"

end of flashback

"I actually don't blame you about what happen. I don't know if I should be mad or not. it's not your fault, intak. about them, let's just send them the money," says Jiung while look at keeho.

"well, of course we're going to send them money but the problem is are they really will delete the video of you two?"

"this is all my fault. I'm so sorry."

"it's fine, I guess..."

"OH MY FREAKING DONUTS!!" they all turned their attention to the owner of the voice, jongseob. jongseob looked surprised.

"what's wrong?"

"uhm, so they posted a picture of Jiung and intak hyung but they they cover their faces"

all of them went silent. no one dare to talk. they didn't know what to do. Intak stood up and left Jiung's apartment. Jiung follows Intak from behind. He didn't want intak to blame himself .

"intak! intak, wait!" but intak keep walking. Jiung run to intak and pull intak in a hug.

"hyung, what are you trying to do? are you insane?!" says intak while break the hug.

"you're going with me" jiung pulled intak to a place where no one could see them.

"hyung, what do you want? I think we should have space between us. I know you don't like it. I know you hate all of this. I know you don't like me. I know-"


jiung kissed intak.


hi, sorry for not updating

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