Know your place Mortal!

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"What the fuck!" Angel shouted and Carlisle Gasped in pure shock "ANGEL CULLEN! Watch your language!" He scolded her and she pointed at the Caius and Marcus before rubbing her eyes and smiling "your here!!" She quickly hobbled over and jumped at Caius, knocking them both to the floor "get off you rat." She ignored him and hugged him tighter "I will have Felix execute you!" He threatened and Angel laughed as Charlie was beyond confused these men had red eyes, he was looking at his cup trying to see if his drink had something in it "Hah! I would like to see you try!" She lifted her head off from where it was buried in his chest to look at Felix "you wouldn't do that to me would you Felix?" She asked the man and he shook his head "never." He replied and Caius made a sound of annoyance before hugging Angel back then throwing her off of him and onto the floor at Marcus's feet. She smiled up at him before Roxy ran over to help her up then Angel hugged Marcus tightly, "I missed you so much, little one." Marcus said as he hugged her back a small smile making its way onto his face "I missed you guys as well." She pulled back to look at Felix and Demetri "No Aro?" She asked frowning a little, Caius gave her a stern look "we can't all leave Volterra just because someone doesn't know how to reply to a letter." Angel slapped her hand against her forehead "oh that's right, sorry?" She said smiling sheepishly, causing Marcus to smirk at his brothers face "your sor- do you know what I've heard enough, what I want to know is why are consorting with wolves and why there are two humans in this room." Humans? What is he talking about? The penny dropped in Charlie's head and he turned to look at Mari who was watching the men carefully "your not human?" He asked looking at Mari and she had been worried about this, "he doesn't know?"Caius said angry, and Angel quickly jumped in "no but her and Charlie are mates, Marcus can prove it can't you?" And Marcus nodded he walked over and held out his hands making Charlie jump and pull Marionne behind him "we won't like uhh... die if we touch your hands right." That made Marcus chuckle "no of course not, it allows me to be extremely precise about what bond you both share." Charlie nodded still confused but he nodded anyway and slowly moved his free hand to Marcus' and allowed Mari to do the same. Marcus smiled "soulmates." He said turning to Caius who nodded as Charlie looked at Marionne with love in his eyes, she had the exact same look, Charlie then thought for a second before asking "hang on you said two humans, so what the hell are you all?"

There was a silence in the room "I am offended by that statement technically I'm half human." Angel said trying to lighten the mood and Roxy leaned over to whisper "not the time burner." And that made Angel pout "hey it was funny though." That made Angel smile again, Marcus took a mental note of their interaction. Bella rolled her eyes and cleared her throat "there vampires." Was all she said and that was enough to make Charlie choke on air before looking at Marionne's worried face before squeezing her hand and giving her a small smile "okay so let me just get this straight, your all vampires." Angel went to open her mouth but Roxy put her hand over it, before pulling it away and wiping on her jeans "ewww, you licked me!" Roxy exclaimed "hey, you put your hand over my mouth." Angel put her hands up in surrender and Caius cuffed the back of her head "ow hey!" She complained "shush!" He said, before turning back to Charlie and Mari " most of us are vampires, Angel's a hybrid, half vamp, half human and Roxy is what we call a shifter which means she can shape shift into a wolf." Charlie looked at the two girls amazed as Angel put her hand up and wiggled her fingers in a sarcastic way. "Right..." he said and before he could continue Caius jumped in "and what of the other human, that one, the girl." He pointed at Bella before grimacing and Bella scoffed "and who do you think you are?!" She snapped at Caius, and Marcus made an 'ooh' sound and so did Angel and Roxy, Demetri and Felix even moved back. "oh she's done it now." Angel whispered to Roxy as Caius walked over in front of Bella "Who am I? I am King Caius of the Volturi, law makers and ruler over all vampires, so refrain from your disrespect and know your place Mortal! Who are you, a non Important human to talk to me, a King! You! Are! Nothing!" Caius shouted in her face as Roxy smirked "my respect for blonde Barrie just went through the roof." She whispered to Angel making Angel pull a small smile, "I am Edwards mate!" Bella shouted back and Angel winced and looked at Roxy dragging her thumb across her neck saying that Bella was so dead. Caius looked at Marcus who shook his head before explaining "you are not his mate, you are his blood singer, those rank of little importance in our ranks, you should not even know of our existence, yes I know there are stories of Blood singers who become mates but that is rare, if you want to risk that then by all means go ahead, but because she is a Blood singer she must be turned or killed." Marcus said as Caius moved back away from the human whom his patience with was dropping by the second "I wanna be changed." Bella said almost instantly, making both Angel and Roxy very interested in her, did she only want immortality the whole time? Angel thought, is she just using my brother and playing with his feelings to achieve that? As soon as she thought that she regretted it after seeing the heartbroken look on Edwards face, as much as she was mad at him for not coming to visit her, she never means to hurt her brother. "Bella no we've talked about this, your too young, you understand becoming like us is for all eternity. You need to think about, I won't change you until you graduate." Edward said and Charlie gave him an appreciative look before Eleazar turned to him "Charlie you also have the same choice, it is too bad with you being human because your mates but you are also allowed the chance to become like us." He explained to the chief, The Denali's had been standing silently the whole time "why don't we all go and sit down whilst everyone explains to Charlie what's been going on and we can answer any questions that he has?" Carmen suggested "as long as we can take some cake." Roxy asked and Angel nodded agreeing, making Caius roll his "hey keep going Blondie maybe with our luck your eyes will get stuck back there." She said and Caius growled at her "you know he gives you a run for your money with that growling." Angel said nudging Roxy making her laugh and Demetri snicker, while Caius stood glaring holes through Angel's head.

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