The Unicorns Have Got to Go

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( begins in The Coffee Shop. Margaret gives Morticia ,Rachel and y/n a drink of coffee)

Margaret: Here're you girls and y/n, enjoy.

Rachel: (Takes a big sip from her coffee) Ah! Nothing beats drinking' joe with my girl! Haha, right, Morticia?

Morticia: Huh, what? Yeeeeeaaahh. (Sighs) (y/n then looks at Morticia and then goes to talk to Margaret) girl, y/n totally just smiled at me.

Rachel: No he didn't.

Morticia: Yes he did.

Rachel: Then why don't you ask him out?

Morticia: Agh. It's not that easy. You wouldn't understand.and now we got those five other women that talk to him trying to be with him

Rachel: Yeah, I wouldn't understand. Probably 'cos I'm too busy drinking joe with my girl like we came here to do in the first place, remember?but I do understand and I don't want to lose him again but

Morticia: Shh. Wait.

(A commercial starts on the TV)

Woman on TV: I once was lost, but now I'm found. (Sprays perfume, and men then come and paper her with gifts) GirlTime, for women.

Rachel: Pssh. What kind of loser would want a bunch of guys giving them gifts and marrying them? Right, Morticia?

(A dream sequence follows. Morticia imagines what would happen if she bought that perfume, she sprays it on and a bunch of guys come out, including y/n.)

Y/N: Morticia.

Morticia: Oh, hey y/n. Didn't notice you there.

Y/N: Morticia, I don't think I've ever realized how awesome you are. And you smell great too.

Y/N takes Morticia back to the house and leads her to his room  and pins her to the wall

Y/N:I love you Morticia

Morticia In a daze

Y/N:Morticia? Morticia?

(Imagination sequence ends and Rachle is snapping her out of it, y/n voice fading into her)

Rachel: Morticia? Morticia?

Morticia: Girl, I'm buying that perfume.

Rachel: Agh! Why? You said you would chip in for that awesome new game.

(A flashback occurs in where Rachle is watching a commercial with y/n and then two dudes with no shirts on tv)

John #1: I'm John.

John #2: I'm also John.

John #1 & 2: We're the Strong Johns! Strong Johns, Strong Johns! You have to buy Strong Johns! Strong Johns, Strong Johns! You gotta buy Strong Johns!


Y/N:That's just stupid

(Flashback ends)

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