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Soon enough we had to head home from the mall and my mom picked me up,

I refused to speak to her since she was drunk,

and I didn't want the last person I spoke to to be my mom.

I arrived at my house and started to write down some stuff before I'll have to die,

First off was Jake.


I just want you to know that you are one of my dearest friends and that I give you permission to own the group fully (Remember the time we argued about that? XD), and do another favor for me? Keep singing will ya? I want you to be able to have a fun life so don't spend your time moping over me, or i'll HAUNT YOU!

I snickered at my joke as I kept on writing


Thanks for being my friend, you're really funny and really smart, I hope that you can forgive me for this though you are super nice and cool also, make sure you take care of the others for me.


You were my favorite lover, even if it only lasted a day, i'm sorry but I just can't do this anymore, you can have my favorite hoodie, actually- not can, WILL. I love you Henry, XOXO-Drew.

The music club

I'm sorry for bullying you guys, I don't know why I did it in the first place come to think of it, maybe it was to distract me from my depression, I guess bullying isn't a good enough distraction, but anyways, i'm sorry for what I did and I hope you can forgive me.

That was the last of the letters, I guess its about time.

His last breath. {Drenry}Where stories live. Discover now