Chapter 8

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"It all started near the end of last year's summer. A scientist was taking a hiking trip away from life from his home in the city. He was all alone. The scientist also wanted to try an experiment that was unknown to all of his colleagues. He set up his camp right next to the lake where all of you raced in with canoes and kayaks. The scientist worked day and night working on the unknown project. The animals watched him from a distance. However, when the scientist was nearly finished with his research, something grabbed him in the middle of the night. He screamed at the top of his lungs. His attacker made a loud roar. We've found his tent and diary. The tent was ripped and broken into pieces. We've given the diary to the police. They never found the scientist. Some people who look after the camp during the spring, winter, and fall might tell you that the scientist was eaten. Others will say that the scientist was kidnapped by people who wanted to learn about his secret project." Uncle Thomas told in an eerie tone of voice. The other campers gasped. "I hope that no monster is going to get me." One of Phoebe's friends said terrified. "Don't worry, I'm sure that the scientist is fine." Counsellor Taylor conveyed as she stood up from her seat.

"Cabin number 9, I hope you're ready for your hiking trip tomorrow. All of the other campers. I'm happy to see that everybody is enjoying their time at camp. The counsellors are happy that all of you followed the camp rules so far. Have a good night's sleep and see you tomorrow!" Uncle Thomas boomed with a smile. "Goodnight Uncle Thomas!" The campers shouted back. Phoebe and her group went back to their cabin. "See you tomorrow." Taylor said as she closed the door to Cabin number 5. Phoebe and the campers from cabin number five each took a shower. They all got themselves fitted into their pajamas. "I think tomorrow is just going to be just as fun as today was." One of Phoebe's friends spoke as she put her dirty clothes into a bag. "I think that another wild animal is going to try to eat us tomorrow." Another camper said nervously. She was wearing some pajamas that had the Camp Wild logo on it. Phoebe already finished her shower. She was wearing pajamas that have pictures of kittens on them. There a low growl sound coming from the outside of the cabin. "What was that?" a camper queried as she hid underneath one of the bunk beds. Phoebe slid her feet across the floor. There was a hand that quickly grabbed onto her right shoulder. "Are you crazy? We don't want you to get eaten." The camper with Camp Wild pajamas said. "I want to know what's out there." Phoebe said as she tried to move towards the door. "I'll check it." Another camper whispered as she crept up to the door. She leaned against the wall looking out of the window. "There's nothing to see out there." She claimed with a calm tone of voice. Phoebe threw the camper's hand off her shoulder. "No Phoebe. Come back her." The camper under the bed muttered to her. "We don't need to know what's outside." The camper nearest to the door said to her. She quickly blocked the window. "Are you really that scared?" Phoebe asked. "I need to know what's going on." She said as she got closer to the window. There was another low growling sound.

"I don't want to be bear food. Please pinch me and tell me this is all a big bad dream." The camper said still blocking the window. Phoebe stood on the tip of her toes. She was able to look out of the window, despite her friends objections. She could see the other counsellors along with Taylor. They were talking in a group. Phoebe had her ear against the window. She could hear the voices of the counsellors. The noise was muffled by the wall of the cabin. Suddenly, there was a knocking sound on the door to Phoebe's cabin. Phoebe and the other girls got into their beds. "Is everybody ready for lights out?" Taylor rallied as she opened the door. Phoebe and her friends were pretending to be asleep. Taylor looked at them suspiciously. "Are you all pretending to be asleep?" She questioned with a surprised smile. She waited ten minutes before saying goodnight. "Can you believe this?" Taylor pumped before closing the door to Phoebe's cabin. The campers all felt tired to talk to each other. Tyson and the campers from his cabin were sleeping away. Ian gently closed the door to cabin number one. The counsellors were now walking to Uncle Thomas' cabin. Their eyes were now yellow or green. The counsellors formed a circle around Uncle Thomas' trashed cabin. The head counsellor comes to his cabin, carrying a bear. The counsellors turned to look at him. The counsellors' eyes glowed like hot coals. The eyes also gave off a light that shot out from the eye sockets of the counsellors. The lights shot in a straight line. Tyson wakes up with sweat on his forehead. He was breathing rapidly and heavily. "Tyson, are you okay?" Fred questioned as he heard the noise. Tyson slowly calmed down. "Is this some kind of joke?" Lee queried as he got up from his sleep. The sound of the bugle can be heard from the picnic tables nearby. "Good luck cabin number ten." Uncle Thomas adduced as counsellor Kyle said, "Thank you Uncle Thomas."

The campers repeated what Kyle said in a shouting tone of voice. Greg yawned as he got up from bed as well. "Is it morning?" He questioned after getting out from his bunk. "It sounds like Kyle's cabin is on their way to the top of the mountain." Fred mentioned as he got out of his bunk. Nate yawned as he got out of his bunk too. "I just had the scariest dream." Tyson revealed as he sat on his bunk. "What was your dream about?" Lee asked as he stood next to Tyson's bunk. "Uncle Thomas was in it." Tyson said as he stood himself up. "Really? Are you thinking that Uncle Thomas is part of something big?" Greg rallied as he stood next to Tyson. "What are you talking about?" Nate questioned as he took a fresh pair of clothes out of his suitcase. "You're thinking that there is something strange going on at camp?" Fred pumped as he went to get some fresh clothes out of his suitcase too. "Well he did tell a scary tale tonight. Maybe Tyson is just dreaming that he would disappear just like the scientist." Lee said as he sat alongside Tyson. "Maybe it was just your imagination." Greg assumed as he went over to get his duffle bag. "I'm going to get a glass of water." Tyson mumbled as he grabbed his suitcase. "Maybe I am just imagining things. The other time at supper, I saw our counsellor take a big bite out of his food. It almost seems not normal." "Oh come on, I saw people from eating contests taking big bites out of their foods. Maybe our counsellor went to an eating contest." Lee thought as he went to the cabin's bathroom. Tyson took a fresh change of clothes from his bag. He went to the bathroom, and waited until Lee was done. Once all of the campers brushed their teeth and got dressed, they started to make their beds. "I wonder what kind of activities we are going to do today." Lee said as he finished making his bed. "Maybe we are going to be in an eating competition." Nate joked. "Come on Nate. I'm serious you guys. Something is going on at camp." Tyson insisted as he finished his bed.

There was somebody who was knocking on the cabin door. "cabin number one, are you ready for breakfast?" Ian asked from the other side of the door. "Yes counsellor Ian." The campers replied together. Ian opened the door to the cabin. "I've got some good news, some big news as a matter of fact." He imparted as he stepped inside. Tyson and the other campers sat on one of the lower bunks. Ian pulled a chair near one of the corners of the small building. He sat facing the campers. "What's the good news?" Tyson questioned. "The good news is that we have just won the second trip to hike the top of the mountain." Ian revealed with a calm tone of voice. Nate, Lee, Fred, and Greg cheered. Tyson didn't cheer. "What's the matter Tyson? You don't seem excited." Ian noticed. "Oh, don't worry Ian. He just had a bad dream last night." Fred said as he got up from the bunk. "I feel a little bit hungry." Tyson expressed as he stretched himself while standing up from sitting down on the bunk for a while. "Come on cabin number one. Let's go and get some food." Ian said as he clapped his hands. Tyson was the first camper to reach the door first. Ian ran to the door and grabbed the door handle. Tyson looked at his eyes. They were yellow for a second, before returning back into a greenish color. Ian opened the door. He led the campers to the picnic tables. Nate looked at Tyson, then at Ian. There was nothing odd about his eyes. Tyson's group sat on the picnic table that was the closest to the window of the kitchen. All of the campers came and sat down at one picnic table. Only one picnic table was vacant. Uncle Thomas cleared his throat before greeting the campers and the counsellors. "Cabin number ten will be back tomorrow during the time that we are having breakfast. Cabin number one, you may then go on your hiking trip the next day." Uncle Thomas announced. He walked towards the window of the camp's kitchen. "Cabin number two, it's your turn to have your breakfast first today. Come on up." The head counsellor shouted after taking a full tray of food. The breakfast for today was French toast. It was served with a side of a bowl of fruit and scrambled eggs. Tyson secretly watched as Ian was eating his food. He picked up a huge piece of French toast with his fork and ate it whole. 

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