Chapter 18

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Tyson and his friends were halfway up the hill to the place where the zip line starts. They panted while climbing the trail to the top of the hill. It was a little bit easier since they didn't have any backpacks to carry. Once they were next to the spot, a voice could be heard nearby. "I think I'm looking forward to the last night at camp." Fake Tyson said to the fake Lee and fake Greg. "I bet the special dinner at the end will be very delicious." Fake Greg added. Tyson peeked over the hill and saw the three phony campers sitting on the ground next to the trail. He then looked down at his group. Tyson slowly climbed over the small part of the trail. He then ran into the bushes. The three fake campers looked at the path. "Do you think it's one of our brothers or sisters taking a look at us in our human forms?" Fake Lee questioned.

Tyson snuck around the bushes. He watched the fake campers as they looked at the bushes where he was. Fake Greg sniffed the air. "I smell a human around here. Might be Tyson and his group." He said with a smile. His eyes turned into a yellowish kind of color. Fake Greg went to take look at the bushes. Fred peaked over the hill. He could see fake Lee and fake Tyson staring at the bushes. The camper climbed on the top of the trail. "Excuse me? But have you seen where did Nate go?" He answered with a sinister smile. The two fake campers looked at him then at each other. They both smelled the air. "That's not our friend. He's one of those humans." The Fake Greg shouted as he lunged at him. Tyson got out from his hiding place and grabbed one of the fake Greg's shoes. He tripped and grabbed Fred's feet. The fake Tyson and fake Lee growled as they ran to help their friend. Tyson let go of fake Greg's feet and the two fake campers tried to grab both of his arms. He tried to hold both of them back, but the two campers were stronger than him. They threw him into the nearby bush. Lee climbed onto the top of the mountain. He went to help Fred. Lee kicked while Fred thrashed his arms at the fake Greg's arms. "That doesn't hurt." He said as he pushed both of them back. "Hey Lee, I found your twin right here!" Fake Greg shouted. Fake Lee went to confront the real Lee, leaving fake Tyson to deal with the real Tyson. "Who are you? And what are you going do to us?" Tyson panicked as he dodged the fake Tyson lunging at him. "I was promised to take your place in the human world, while you can play a special part of our final supper of the summer. Oh how I like Dangerous Ripper." The fake Tyson said as he chased him as he ran around the bush. "Cabin number one, hold on. Help is on the way." Ian said as the fake Fred, and fake Nate climbed the mountain. Fake Tyson pulled the whole bush from out of the ground. "Face it, I'm better, smarter, and stronger than you." He said with a smile. Tyson ran out of the way, as fake Tyson threw the bush right at him. "Is there somebody else with you? Or are you just the same three campers that your counsellor left in the tent this morning? Greg asked before Fred kicked him on the shoulder. "That didn't hurt." Fake Greg said with a smile. Lee was trying to push fake lee back, but the fake camper was a lot stronger than him. Lee was being pushed away from his two friends.

"Would somebody help me?!" Lee demanded as he got further away from his group. "Help!" He shouted before disappearing behind a row of pine trees. Fake Tyson ran at Tyson. He smiled excitedly. Before he was able to grab Tyson, a big rock was thrown on the left side of his face. It was turned into many smaller pieces when it hit the right side of his face. He fell on the ground two feet away from Tyson. Tyson looked and saw that he tried to get up but was dizzy from the rock being thrown at him. Tyson backed away from him and saw a thick and small wooden stick on the ground. "Oh no you don't Tyson." The fake camper said as he tried to charge at him again. Another big rock hit Tyson's face again. The hit was enough to knock him down again. Tyson picked up the stick and saw where the big rocks were coming from. Phoebe has holding another big rock. "I need a little help here." Fred said as the fake Greg was about to carry him on his back. Tyson ran and hit him with the wooden stick on the head. He felt a little dizzy but let go of Fred. Fred looked at the trail and saw a face that looked exactly like his. The fake Fred smiled as he climbed the last few feet of the inclined trail. Tyson and his sister ran into the forest. "Hey why don't you pick on somebody your own size?" Fred shouted. Tyson and Phoebe hid behind a bunch of bushes. They saw Ian grabbing Fred by the collar. The camper kicked back at the counsellor, but he didn't let him go. "So this is the real Fred?" The fake camper pretending to be him questioned. "At least we won't go without an empty stomach at the end of the camp." The fake Nate spoke with a smile. Fake Greg and fake Tyson were dizzy once they got on their feet. Fred was grabbed by his twin and got dragged away. He screamed while being dragged. The fake Lee came back to help. Fake Tyson and fake Greg were feeling a little dizzy from the fighting. "What happened? Where's Tyson?" Ian queried as he talked to fake Tyson. "He got away. I don't know where though." The phony camper answered. "Help the dizzy campers back to the cabin. We got most of the campers. I'm sure that we'll catch Tyson soon." Ian ordered.

Tyson and Phoebe watched Ian went back with the fake campers to the cabin. Tyson waited until they're out of sight. "I think you have one big problem Tyson." Phoebe mentioned. "Other than trying to escape from my evil twin?" Tyson asked. "No, trying to avoid the entire camp if they all came up here for a camping trip. If they don't manage to find you, then Uncle Thomas would want to hunt you down." Phoebe answered. "Come on, let's see where Ian was heading with his new 'friends'." Tyson and Phoebe carefully snuck through the bushes that were parallel to the path. They stopped once as they saw counsellor Ian rush down the trail. Tyson and his sister snuck through the bushes and tried not to make any noise. The siblings hid behind a tree a few meters away. The trail curved a little bit away from the edge of the mountain. Tyson kept continuing towards wherever the path might lead to. He saw a log cabin built next a flat area made out of rock. The campers pretending to be his group were sitting on the front porch of the cabin. They were talking about what camp might look like. Jack was watching the campers. He smiled as the fake campers wondered what might be in store for them at camp. Tyson looked back for a second. Phoebe was nowhere to be seen. Something instantly held onto his shoulder. Tyson shouted as he was pulled out of the bushes. He looked up and saw Uncle Thomas. He firmly held onto his should as he carried him to the cabin. The fake campers cheered as Tyson was brought to the cabin. "Great catch Uncle Thomas. I wonder how much tasty Tyson might be." Greg said as he showed some fangs from his mouth. "I actually prefer to eat grass. I hope that there's some human who might want to eat vegetables and grass as much as me." Lee said as he smiled. Some of his teeth were flat. "What are you guys talking about?" Tyson yelled as he thrashed his arms and legs around. His twin stared at his eyes.

He showed off his fangs. Tyson kicked at him. The fake Nate opened the door for him as he took his captive inside. "Let me go!" Tyson shouted as he kicked him in the stomach. The counsellor nearly dropped Tyson but protect his stomach with his other hand. "You better behave, or I'm going to eat you for supper." The head counsellor snarled. Tyson thrashed his arms and legs at him. Both of his hands hit his face. The head counsellor dropped him, and Tyson fell to the floor. He ran towards the stairs. The face of Uncle Thomas was as red as a cherry. He let out a bear roar that thundered through the entire building. The fake campers and Jack ran inside to see what the matter was. Tyson ran up the stairs and ran into one of the rooms on the second floor. He closed the door behind him and looked for a hiding place. Tyson saw that he was in a bedroom. He quickly snuck underneath the bed. The footsteps of the counsellors and the fake campers could be heard from outside of the room. "Don't worry Uncle Thomas, we'll get him." The fake Lee said as they quietly walked through the hallway. Tyson didn't make a sound once the door to the bedroom was opened. The door closed ten seconds later. The fake Tyson sniffed the air around him. His green wolf like eyes scanned the room. Tyson was on his stomach, trying not to make any sound. The fake Tyson went to check the closet. "You can't hide forever Tyson. Uncle Thomas is going to be grateful when I capture you. You can spend the rest of your summer locked up in this cabin." He said while slowly opening the closet doors. The fake camper looked all over the small space. There was nothing in the closet but coat hangers. Tyson watched as the doors to the closet were closed. Fake Tyson backed away and turned his attention to the bed. He looked under the mattress. Tyson kept still. The fake camper didn't see him under the mattress. "You sure are the kind of prey I would want to hunt after. I always get a great meal." Tyson covered his mouth, and he watched as the shoes moved slowly from next to the closet over to the door. Tyson watched as fake Tyson left the room. Once he closed the door behind him, his footsteps faded while he went to the stairs. Tyson rolled out from under the bed. He quickly stood up. The door opened again. Tyson stared in horror and saw that Uncle Thomas and his twin were blocking the doorway. They showed their fangs. 

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