•Nice meeting

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Lust sans pov:

7:00 PM I was out buying some things, it was cloudy, I thought it was going to rain, it was a cold wind, I love this winter weather, I bought everything, and now it was time to go home, I got on a bus, all the chairs were full, so I had to stand I was standing on one side of the bus I was avoiding looking at people's faces so my eyes were looking at the ground the whole time but I raised my eyes for a moment and saw a familiar face it was..G? The tall skeleton from the party?? What is he doing here??I kept looking at him until his eyes met mine. Damn, I lowered my eyes quickly, did he see me? I wish he had forgotten me I raised my eyes again He's still staring at me Damn he recognized me, I saw him move from his place, Please don't come please...He is right in front of me I was looking down and I saw his legs I raised my head and found him looking at me and smiling

"Hey! It's you! Remember me?"
(G sans said)

"Ofc how should I froget you?"
(Lust said)

"Lust? Right?"
(G said)

"Y-yeah heh.."
(Lust said"

He started talking and asking me how I was and my day. He was a nice person!

"Your AU is not that bad you know? It's calm"
(G said)

What? calm? Oh you don't see anything yet

"Ikr? Oh and why did you come here?"
(Lust said)

Suddenly his smile disappeared, he went down, remained silent for a few moments, his head down,

"What's going on? you look unhappy"
(Lust said)

then turned to me with a half smile

"Nothing I just want to get away from problems for a while I asked Ink for help and he gave me a choice of any place but I didn't know that is your AU"
(G said)

We started chatting until the bus reached my stop. I asked G if he wanted to accompany me home, and he agreed

"Wow nice home you Living alone here?"
(G said)

"Yes, my brother moved in with Metaton.."
(Lust said)

"Oh that kinda sad you feel lonely right?"
(G said)

"Heh yeah... and you? What kinda of problem that made you run away from your AU? You can vent it's okay I am listening to you"
(Lust said)

G looked confused and remained silent for a moment

"Actually I didn't run away from my AU.."
(G said)

"then what?"
(Lust said)

And G tell me about his story and what happened to him I was in shock, poor G, he was feeling down and kind of sad. I couldn't stand seeing him like this, so I hugged him. Why all the edge skeletons are so rude? And play with feeling?

"Sorry about this G"
(Lust said)

"It's okay I am fine now without that asshols"
(G said)

We kept chatting until the doorbell rang. Who's coming at this time? I asked permission from G and I went to see who was outside, it was.. classic?

"Classic?? What are you doing here?"
(Lust said?

"Heya...I'm sorry if I disturbed you buddy... I wanted to visit you. I haven't seen you for two months. I wanted to know if you were okay.."
(Classic said)

"No no it's okay It's an honor, come in!. It's cold outside"
(Lust said)

Enter classic

"Eh G? I didn't expect you to be here. What are you doing here anyway?"
(Classic said)

"I was walking away from my place and it turned out that I was in Lust AU so I decided to spend some time with him"
(G said)

"Ah I see good to see you again"
(Classic said)

I asked Sans to sit down, then I went to the kitchen to get some juice for them. When I came back and sat down, Sans held my hand and he looked worried.

"I'm really sorry about what happened at that party. Fell was an idiot"
(Classic said)

"Oh come on sansy it's okay I froget about it"
(Lust said)

Oh man, why did he mention this topic again? G was Confused

"Why what happened?"
(G said)

"No! Nothing don't worry about it!"
(Lust said)

"Come on tell me! ain't your friend? Just tell me what happened between you and Fell"
(Classic said)

I remained silent, I do not want, I do not want them to see me as just naive

"Come on sans it's just a silly thing it doesn't matter"
(Lust said)

"It's okay just tell us we want to know, I tell about what happened to me now it's your turn"
(G said)

"Yeah Lust this is not a silly thing! Tell me maybe I can help"
(Classic said)

helps me? Help me with what? I didn't even care anymore but I didn't want to disappoint Sans so I told him everything

"Oh.... sorry about that I didn't know.."
(Classic said)

"Yeah this is so sad"
(G said)

"It's okay I froget about it anyway don't worry about me"
(Lust said)

I tried to hold myself, not wanting to appear weak to them, Classic kept looking at me and suddenly hugged me And G came in turn to hug me too. I was shocked by this act. I did not expect this movement from them

"It's okay Lust we are with you! Don't hurt yourself by thinking about the past"
(Classic said)

"Yeah Lusty everyone have problems and shit past, There is no need to be ashamed of a problem or the past, so focus on the present and the future"
(G said)

Here, I couldn't hold myself any longer, so I started crying hard. Finally, people who understand me

"It's okay to cry"
(Classic said)

"I..I love you guys..."
(Lust said while sobbing)

"We love you to"
(G and Classic said)
Until then

Yo reader I wanted to add in this chapter a little-known character, G. I liked to add him, and he also has a special story now Lust have friends yay!!

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